Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It had gotten late. Michael watched out the front window of the Pizzeria as the sun set. It should be about time to close. Henry stepped out of his office covered in sweat, grease and oil. He looked exhausted.

"Where's Penny?" He said tiredly.

"I need to ask her if she could watch the twins tonight while I get cleaned up."

Michael pointed to Pudge's corner the place where the kindly bear resided, and the place Penny usually took the twins when she watched them. Henry followed and left the room.

Michael knew it was hard being a single father. Especially when you're the father of 2 twin 3-year olds. Sammy was the quiet one. He had short brown hair and hazel eyes. He'd usually be asleep or playing with his favorite truck whenever Michael came to visit or babysit. Then there was Charlie, she had the energy of a bullet and was the "troublesome child." Always picking fights, protesting bedtime or clinging to Michael's leg. When she wasn't pitching a fit, she was playing with Sammy. Sometimes, they would talk to each other in their babbling language that only they understood. They fit together, like two perfect pieces of a puzzle that should never be separated. Like peanut butter and jelly, or mac and cheese.

The drive home seemed longer than usual, his father, acting stranger than usual. There was this ever-present feeling that something was very wrong. It was a feeling deep in Michael's gut that no matter how hard he tries he couldn't place. This time however, Michael knew exactly why he felt this way. It was Mr. Afton himself. Michael's father had a smile on his face, but it wasn't a normal smile he'd see when Henry told him a joke, or he'd finally figured out a word on the crossword puzzle. No, this smile was different, but it was somehow familiar. He knew what kind of smile it was. It's the smile he'd see on Charlie's face after she had done something, she knew was wrong... that smile, of rebellion? Michael's mind began to wander. Was his father drunk? Was he planning to do something heinous to him in the dead of the night?

...was he just overreacting? Yes, this must be it... he's just overreacting. All is fine. He couldn't help but tremble though. He trembled all the way home. He trembled through the little dinner he was able to shovel down his gullet. He trembled all the way into his bed, watching his father writing on the desk in the living room from his doorway. He trembled until he was able to coax himself to sleep.

He woke up in that familiar room. The room with no door. His ears were ringing. A dull ache enveloped his body. A voice called out from the darkness. It was a female voice. Calm to the point that it was almost monotonous. The inflection reminded him of his father, but much softer. This voice invoked a feeling of peace. False peace. It struck the uncanny valley of voices. The valley between friend, or foe.

"Did you really think I wasn't going to be able to find you?" the silvery voice rang out.

The constant droning grew louder until Michael could hardly stand it. Suddenly a shadowy monster appeared above him. Forcing him down with its metal hands. He reached for Teo. The bear activated.

"It's going to be ok." It said.

Michael looked up. The green eyes of the monster stared intently at him.

"It's ok, you're ok" Teo continued.

"Don't be scared"

"I'm right here."

Michael struggled harder. The monster's jaws unhinging.

"You don't have to be alone anymore"

With great strength Michael reached for the flashlight he kept by his bedside.

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