the meet

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That morning baekhyun felt so dizzy. His headache was terrible. Last night was a crazy one and that was all he was thinking now. Today was the first day of school and he was already late.

'Why did I drink that much last night' baekhyun was saying to himself. He got ready and start going to school. He ran fast to catch the bus but he didn't catch it. Then he rode the bike of his brother even tho he knew he will kill him for touching it and imagine for riding it lol. He tried to ride as fast as possible and fortunately he didn't miss the first class with his his homeroom teacher. He sat at his place and didn't greet anyone bc he didn't have friends in his class. He's only friend was Luhan which Baekhyun trusted and loved so much.

Well let me talk to you a bit about baekhyun's personality. Baekhyun is a quiet person and doesn't like noisy people,he is soft hearted and pure. He's so innocent and adorable and friendly but some students bully him and don't like staying with him bc he's a right person and kind of nerd. Hus best friend Luhan cares about him a lot but luhan needs some personal time with his boyfriend sehun and those idiots use this time to disturb baekhyun. He can fight em back but sth inside him hasn't the courage to do so.

Now let's get to where we stoped. Before the teacher started to explain the lesson he presented to the class the new student. All girls and boys where whispering about how handsome the new student was. Everyone was looking at him except baekhyun. He was busy on his own. The name of the student was Park Chanyeol and damn he really was unresistable. Chanyeol was searching for the guy who he kissed last night and he found him. He wasn't looking at him and was reading his book
He got a bit frustrated but controlled it. I bet y'all want to know who's that guy and I'm pretty sure you've guessed it was baekhyun and y'all are right. It was baekhyun but what actually happened last night? Well last night luhan was invited by his bf in a party  and he forced baekhyun to come with him. At first baekhyun got a bit bored staying alone in that crowd bc luhan was busy making out with sehun but then a deep voice attracted his mind and he turned his head to see who was. He was approached by a tall man,with big ears and big eyes. At first he got a bit scared bc a tall man was in front of him and he hadn't have seen seen him before but then when he started to talk everything was different. His voice was so deep and beautiful

'Wanna have a drink together' was what the tall man said. Baekhyun nodded and the tall guy sat beside him. For some minutes they were quiet but then they started to talk and tell everything each other. While talking and laughing with Park Chanyeol Baekhyun drank a lot and he was drunk as hell. The bad thing about baekhyun being drunk is that he can't remember anything the days after only in special cases. In a moment the music was so sweet and the lights went to baekhyun's face. His milky skin was so beautiful and seducing and his lips were so soft while pouting at the beer to stop being so delicious. Chanyeol found him very handsome and kissed him at his cheeks. Baekhyun was a bit confused at first but then he went closer to chanyeol and kissed him at his lips. Their kiss was soft at first but then turned into a passionate  and a hating one. Luhan saw him he smiled and continued cuddling with sehun. Sehun was friends with chanyeol and was a bit suprised bc he hasn't been in a relationship before and now he's kissing?? He didn't say anything and let em kiss. Then it was time to go bc the party was over. Chanyeol drove baekhyun home. All the time baekhyun was acting like a baby and he sang all the time. Chanyeol couldn't help but find him cute and adorable. Then when chanyeol was driving baekhyun kissed him at his cheeks. Chanyeol blushed but still continued driving. Baekhyun now stopped singing and was seeing at chanyeol

'Do I have sth on my face'- chanyeol said with a small voice while stuttering a bit
'Yes you have'- baekhyun said -'you have beauty' then chanyeol stopped the car  and turned his eyes at baekhyun. The small one was seeing him all confident  and in a cute way
'Say that again'-chanyeol said
'You're cute chanyeol'-baekhyun said again and went toward chanyeol and this time kissed him in his lips

They kissed for a long time then stopped. Chanyeol grabbed baekhyun's hands and said to him 'I like you Byun Baekhyun'
'I like you too Park chanyeol' baekhyun answered. Chanyeol leaned closer and hugged baekhyun so tightly. Then chanyeol brought him home and waved at each other. Baekhyun was drunk and fell at the ground. Chanyeol saw him and helped him stand up and acompained him to the door of his house and then leaved for real. Next morning it was the first day of school and chanyeol was so happy bc he was going to spend his days on school with the guy he liked but baekhyun couldn't remember anything. He only remembered in his dizzy mind the voice saying 'I like you Byun Baekhyun'
Which confused him and gived him a headache. Chanyeol got a bit frustrated bc Baekhyun wasn't seeing him but his books but then controlled himself. His seat was behind baekhyun and he was so happy about that. He went to sit there but baekhyun still wasn't seeing him. Chanyeol heard some girls saying that the nerd was si lucky to have Chanyeol behind him. Then chanyeol said to those 'For which nerd you're talking about?' The girls blushed a bit and pointed their fingers towards baekhyun
'He's the nerd here and he's so annoying and we don't feel bad about him being bullied bc he isn't like us. He acts so innocent and he doesn't deserve being friends with us. You shouldn't stay with him either' a girl said and that made chanyeol angry. Baekhyun raised his head this time and saw at chanyeol with a tired face almost crying. He stand up and leaved the class.

Hey I'm back again with a chanbaek story. I hope everyone enjoys reading this and if u don't like anything you can tell it to me
Continue reading bc I will update everyday bc I almost have finished it at my notebook so I only have to write it here. Sorry for any mistakes bc english isn't my mother's language. Ly everyone❤

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