You're mine baek

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Baekhyun said to his teacher that he was sick and used this as an excuse to leave the class.

Chanyeol was feeling so bad for listening to that idiot girl bc that made baekhyun, the guy he liked sad

He went outside too and reached baekhyun really fast bc he got long legs. He grabed his hands and asked for forgiveness

Why are you like this? You should go there and make fun with me like everyone does- baekhyun said with a shy voice

The one who should make thid question is me baekhyun. - chanyeol said while looking at his eyes and touching his red cheeks.

Back off you idiot , don't touch me
Baekhyun said , but deep inside , he felt wrong for saying that and he didn't knew WHY.

Did you just called me an idiot?- asked chanyeol
Yes I did. I don't know you and you touched my cheeks. No one is allowed to touch me at my face. I can stand you guys insult me or push me or whatever but not ever touching my face! Baekhyun said ready to cry

You don't know me?? Baekhyun do you remember last night? Chanyeol said shivering

No I don't , bc I drank too much and when I drink , I don't remember anything. Why you ask tho?

I can't believe this! Really! I can't believe! Baekhyun listen here. Last night, happened a special thing between us but....I'm seeing you can't remember it. It's ok I'll make you remember it

How? Baekhyun asked curious

After those words, chanyeol came more near baekhyun and kissed him. Baekhyun tried pushing him but when chanyeol's tongue went inside his mouth , baekhyun found it familiar and warmly,soft and cute. He stopped pushing him and closed his eyes. After a while in his mind came the words again 'I like you Byun Baekhyun' and then baekhyun pushed chanyeol really hard

What's wrong?- chanyeol asked
'Try saying I like you Byun Baekhyun'-baekhyun said with a tear coming from his eye.

Chanyeol wiped his tear and said to him 'Byun Baekhyun I don't like you. I love you. I love you Byun Baekhyun so so much. Please can u already remember me?' - chanyeol hugged him and some tears fell from his eyes too.

Baekhyun was a bit shocked , but when he felt chanyeol's scent , he remembered someone holding him and that that someone told him 'I like you'

Baekhyun didn't want chanyeol to hug him, but sth deep inside , let him to let chanyeol hug him

So what happened last night can you tell me?- baekhyun said and chanyeol started to tell him everything. After he told baek everything he asked him if he has feelings for chanyeol like chanyeol has for him

I don't know why I've said all those things to you, but I still don't believe it why you should love me. Why you should love a nerd like me?

Don't disturb me anymore chanyeol. Go and fool another guy not me. Bye~~

Baekhyun tried to leave but chanyeol grabbed him by his wrist. Baekhyun wanted to go, but chanyeol was more strong and continued hugging him

You're mine byun baekhyun, remember this. I'll make you like me again and we will be together then.

Let go you jerk l. I won't ever ever like..
Baekhyun said but chanyeol interrupted him
Baek don't lie to yourself. I know you love me deep inside but you just need to figure it out. And if u can't remember I'll make new memories of us and make you love me again.
Baekhyun...I love you. You're mine and I'm yours

After chanyeol said those he stopped hugging baek and let him go after he kissed him at his cheeks. They went to the class and everyone were eyeing em

Baekhyun heard some girls talking about how handsome chanyeol is

Baek's Pov
Why god why?? Why he kept telling me that he loves me when no one does? Why I'm touched to his words?

No byun bakehyun. No one loves you sincerely, they all wanna make fun with you and your love

'Chanyeol oppa is so  handsome'

Handsome??!! C'monnn only handsome he isn't. Well his lips are so soft and his eyes so hot, and maybe his ears are cute like yoda and maybe his weight so cool BUT he isn't handsome nahh NOPE

Chanyeol went to the bathroom and changed his clothes, and wet his hair with water, bc it was so hot. He was so hot with his messy watered hair

When he entered the class everyone was seeing him in a :0 and baekhyun was a his beauty but then ignored him lol

Chanyeol went straight to baekhyun and told him to not forget what he said to him. Baekhyun felt so shy and his cheeks turned red
1) bc someone tall and with watered hair was near him
2) bc he was someone who he kissed and hugged earlier
And 3) bc chanyeol kept flirting and flirting with him

Chanyeol found baekhyun cute

Chanyeol's Pov
Arghh why do I love this boy so much. I've never loved someone before the way I love baekhyun now. But this boy doesn't believe in my words. I will protect him and show him the love I feel for him. And I better make him love me too soon, bc I will fall deeper and deeper for him, and I'm afraid I'll be hurt :( 
   why his hairs so fluffy tho?
His back is also very hot, his milky skin is so beautiful , his legs are perfect
I bet other things of him are perfect too bc Baekhyun is so perfect
I'll protect this baby and I'll love him forever. He's mine

Hey here's another chapter. Maybe I'll upload another one later or if I don't tomorrow I'll update for sure. If u don't like anything tell me and I'll try fixing it. And if anyone is reading this I wanna say thank you and ly❤

CHANBAEK//LOVE YOU//CUTE&SMUTUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum