CHAPTER 7: A dangerous event

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After listening to Brooke during their conversation, Michael had been quite confused. He did not know how to verify that what Lexi had said was true, since apparently everything he had heard from his girlfriend were beautiful things, words that had made him feel a little bad. Now he felt guilty for maybe distrusting her so quickly, and even kissing Lexi while still dating her. Well, better, two kisses. But the truth is that he did not want to distrust Lexi either; It seemed strange to him to lie to him. It was Lexi, she would not be able to do such a thing, but what if she did it because ... spite? Maybe Lexi after having confessed to Michael that he loved him but he could not reciprocate, he felt terribly bad, and also, as with Brooke, he did not get along precisely because he could try to annoy him by making him look like the bad one in the situation. Michael almost had a hard time believing that Lexi had lied to him like Brooke was totally innocent, but then, who did he think? Who was right? ... Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to Brooke, and also Lexi With Brooke she should clarify certain things about their relationship, and with Lexi, well, Michael loves her madly, and we know that if she were dating someone she would be with her if all the things that happened had not happened. He decided to give a vote of confidence to Lexi, who was really in love and keep trying to discover Brooke in one of his, but not forgetting what he had heard ... On the other hand, Brooke, who had realized that Michael the She was spying while talking on the phone, she felt "threatened" in a way, since her plans could collapse at any moment. I should be attentive and sleep with one eye open. I sincerely suspected a specific person, much more than Michael; of Lexi. She knew that even though she had quickly realized that she was listening to her conversation that night in the bowling alley, it was quite likely that this little girl had heard something and then pretended to tell her boyfriend. The fool sure he believed her because of course, she will always believe her. Brooke was determined to plan something, some kind of strategy to get Michael once and for all to get away from that stupid meddler and not want to know anything about her in a very long time, and so she could continue to live quietly fooling Michael as from A long time ago he was doing ... Maybe if they manage to meet all three and somehow make LeXI in a bad place, Michael could see the kind of person he was and not want to see her anymore. Lexi, for her part, was quite nervous; I did not know anything yet about what would have happened with Booke and Michael, how the plan had gone, or anything like that. I really wanted to call him but I had to wait and not rush. Maybe if he called I could annoy everything. The day passed, and Michael had not called, but although he died of intrigue he preferred to keep waiting ... Michael had wanted to spend the day a little closer to Brooke to see how he behaved with him. She tried to act normally to avoid suspicion, but she knew that something was at hand, and had not forgotten the idea of trying to destroy their plans, and make Lexi stay in a terrible way before Michael. Brooke thinks of organizing a dinner between Lexi, MIchael and her. In that way, the first thing she would achieve would be to soften Michael a little, who could then appreciate that she was changing and becoming less jealous and more tolerant. And during the course of the dinner, try to do anything to upset Lexi who once exploded and thus make Michael see that she was the real jealous and chinchosa. But all that could be observed at dinner. Brooke was convinced that she would be able to knock Lexi down. Before talking to Michael, he decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. He liked to walk through a little grove that was a few blocks from his house. He started to walk to clear his mind when he suddenly found the person who was causing him so much trouble; Lexi I was talking to a girl who a few minutes later continued forward leaving Lexi alone. The two were practically facing each other, one face to the other. Brooke with a mischievous smile on her face, could appreciate that in Lexi story she noticed his presence, her expression had changed from happy to serious in an instant. Lexi wanted to pass by without paying much attention to who came from the other side. I could not believe it, I found that fool even taking a quiet walk. When Lexi least expected it, Brooke stopped her, although she did not understand very well why. Brooke began to tell her with a certain sarcasm how eager she was to see her, how she was doing. Lexi tried to answer at least kind, although they both knew how much they hated each other. Lexi tried to be brief and continue on her way, it was obvious that she had no desire to engage in any kind of conversation with Brooke, but her friend's girlfriend at any moment became more serious and stopped her. He started telling her things like getting away from his boyfriend once and for all, leaving him alone. A man like him had nothing to do next to a girl as little as her. If he did not let them live their lives peacefully, he would end up paying the consequences. Lexi was shocked by Brooke's words but not really by fear, but by seeing how creepy she was and how stupid she seemed trying to threaten her. Lexi told her that she was not afraid at all, and that her lies would soon bounce off her face. Brooke then confirmed her little doubt of whether Lexi had heard that night, the answer was clear. A lazy laugh came out of his mouth. He told Lexi that it was impolite to eavesdrop on others' conversations. Lexi could see that everything was true. Before leaving Brooke warned her for the last time to leave things in their place, or else it would end badly. And so each one went by his side, Lexi worried about Michael, and Brooke somewhat satisfied for having said those words to Lexi, although she should not lower her guard. When he got home he decided to talk to Michael about the dinner, who was surprised but accepted without problems. That way it is clear that they could talk. Lexi when she got home, she thought about everything that happened. I wanted to call Michael but maybe it would not be a good idea to run and tell him everything like that all of a sudden. While he was thinking, he received a call. It was Michael telling him that Brooke had planned to organize a dinner for all three. That news left Lexi totally confused. Was Brooke a bipolar person or was she totally stupid? Michael told Lexi that maybe they could all talk civilly, although being Brooke at that dinner for Lexi was totally impossible, but for Michael he accepted. It would be the next day at the home of the two of them. When hanging the call Lexi was totally worried thinking about the happy dinner; He threw himself on his bed to think, Ready for dinner?

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