Chapter VI - The Misery of Izaya Orihara

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SIDE NOTE (again)

*sigh* I dont know what I'm doing really......


“My heart lay frozen, yet still very much alive and beating,

                                                Anxiously waiting for something, or someone, to come flying”


I grinned to myself as I strode nonchalantly through a busy Sunshine street. The air suddenly felt menacing though I loved the feel of it, icy, frigid, or insensate. I enjoyed seeing the humans grimace at the cold, hurrying their steps to escape the weather.

Pushing my hands into my black pockets, I walked aimlessly through Ikebukuro night life, staring at every human that caught my attention but breaking the moment I put my eyes on them.

My head turned up as I exited the wild highway sidewalk and into a considerably darker and more quiet alley. I took note of the tiny white flakes tthat tingled and smothered away at the touch of my skin.


So it was already November huh?

I shook my head and walked on, keeping my grin plastered on my face.

*rustle* *rustle*

But then, just like the most recent nights, my superior mind could easily sense I was being tailed. On several occasions, I could dark figures jumping from the corner of my eye. At the first time, I thought it was the dumb blonde, waiting desperately for me to let my guard down and ambush me like a stupid moron. Oh, I’d be delighted to see the look on his face if he discovers that I outsmarted him.

However, I just realized, that wasn’t the case at all.

“Who’s there?” I asked calmly, still grinning, to the darkness behind me.

 I tsked. Duh, no one answered. But then, my naturally curious self won’t just ignore this and leave. If you can’t guess what I’d being doing next, you shame yourself. Chuckle. Stalking slowly into the darkness of that alley, my eyes narrowed when I caught movement.

 “If you’re just going to stalk me all day, that’s going to be a complete waste of time, don’t you think?”


 “Come on, I know you’re back there.” I pointed to a rectangular black object, “Why don’t you come out? I’d pretty much love a human-to-*ME* chat.”

And that’s when they attacked.

“WAAAHHHH!!!!” a sharp cry didn’t surprise me, though I also had to sharply turn to face a running human.

Still smiling to myself, I effortlessly flicked my blade and slashed a scrawny tall man in the chest. Laughter escaped my lips when I saw blood trickle down the shallow gash on his tan skin, before the human collapsed.


Another human with a shrill voice jumped from behind. But of course, I was expecting him - dodging the swing of his bat, I brought my blade back and lunged it straight to his side.

Just like the first one, the human glared at me with his yellowed eyes before collapsing. I took my knife and swung it to remove the blood before tucking it back into my coat. They were weaklings. Sad excuses for a human – even the most normal would’ve still been awake after that.

Gentlemanly Psycho (Izaya Orihara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now