Adoring from the distance

21 0 5

Far far away, there is a girl
The girl, has a secret
Her secret of a crush
She thought of the crush day and night
His soft hair
His cute face
One day the girl had gathered up the strength to tell her friends
Her friends had helped her gather more strength to tell him
The day had arrived
A cold but a day of hope for the girl
She had told the boy
The boy of her dreams had said his response
That one word...
Crushed her.
The girl full of hope had lost all of it
Her world had turned to darkness.
The boy was all she thought about.
Even in fourth grade where it began
Not even a pinch of hope remained after.
But the girl, she eventually moved on
She didn't need to waste her tears and life on a boy who didn't like her
He only liked the beauty that was on the outside
She no longer liked him in that way permanently
The girl has found some one now.
The girl is happy now
That girl was me.

Oml this was long. 220 Words including this (A/n). But this story is pretty true. You can probably guess what it's about tho. I had to write about it eventually

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