Chapter 3 - The night in the forest, The Knight in the woods.

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okay so this is chapter 3, the whole chapter was rewrited, every pharagraph. but the event is still the same.



Chapter 3 – the night in the forest, the Knight in the woods

Chirping birds meet Lyka’s ear as consciousness finally hit her. She yawns and stretch her slender arms and sheepishly stare out of the window. She rubs her eyes to take the sleepiness away and stand up on her four poster queen sized bed. She was use to prepare her own clothes every morning for she always wake up early and doesn’t want to bother her maids. The sun has yet to rise as she put on her usual training clothes. It was the only clothes she has on her saddle, and she was thankful to the king and queen for giving her proper gowns for formal gatherings. She knows that her family will take her usual gowns for her when they go to the castle in time for the reunion ball that the king Lubrige prepare for his friends on his youth.

As she secure the straps of her silver sword on her waist she quickly tie her hair up in a simple pony, before putting on her riding boots and heading out to fin the kitchen. She found the kitchen with ease and thanks the servants after they give her some bread for breakfast. She likes to take her early morning breakfast outside in the nature. The training court was deserted and she walks towards far corner at the back and simply stand and relax as she wait for sun rise.

The sky is still dark so she decided to pull out her sword and have some training. She had mastered the art of sword from her master ever since she was twelve. She remembers the moment when she whines for her father to give her permission to train when she was younger. When she saw her father and Sir Frederick having a friendly duel she can’t help but be amaze at their graceful movements and immediately got interest in this kind of art. She train harder than anyone in the castle, she had surpass the other male in training and so far she was one of deadliest warrior of Armine. Her ‘friends’ as they call themselves, use to ask her why she wanted to train outside the fields rather than groom hr self inside a room with feminine objects. But she doesn’t care, she never care about their opinions. She trains hard because whenever there is war she always fights alongside her father and her brother. Although her father and brother always told her not to come for they are afraid for her safety. Many times she heard the full knights from other kingdoms whispering about her.

‘can she even carry that sword?’

‘man, look at her she’s too beautiful to hold a sword and be warrior, that news about her being a knight is not true’

‘I don’t believe she can fight, her small figure is no match to others…’

‘A girl can never be a warrior..’

She loathes those words they say.

‘hmm, he wasn’t as broad as me and my men, he is too small and looks fragile’ she slash her sword hard on the air trying to kill the images playing in her mind as they say how she wasn’t strong.

She just hates it that men look at her with lust, they think she was gold of some kind that they can easily get. She was strong, how many times does she have to prove it?

Prince Leonardo looks at her with the softest emotion he have. He admires the graceful movements she can make as she holds that sword. The tie of her hair was now hanging loosely but she doesn’t seem to notice, or she did, chose to ignore it. Rage of fire can be seen on her eyes. She was upset, and he doesn’t know why. He wanted to know but knew very well that she isn’t going to open up to him. Her movements was too fast and graceful, it was amazing. She was the very first girl he met that doesn’t like to groom herself in a secluded room to lure a husband. Although training never interests him, with her on his mind, he wanted to try. He wanted to train not because he was envious if what she could do, that he cannot. He wanted to train because her movements inspire him. Slowly, he walk towards her and watch as her body movements became more slower as the sun light hit them.

The Lame Prince and the Knight. (under major editing!)Where stories live. Discover now