Chapter 5 - The ball and the misunderstand truth

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-Chapter 5 – The ball and the misunderstand truth

Royals and nobles are now, on their finest gowns and suits, lurking around the massive ball room which is decorated with the castles grandest things. Murmur of talking’s between each person echo around the room and a soft music by the royal orchestra playing on the background.

As prince Leonardo sat on his throne, he watch the people converse with each other with soft smile. He can see the young ladies whispering with each other as they flutter their lashes on him. He gave them a curt nod for respect and the girls burst in to quite giggles. He doesn’t mind the attention, but ever since he arrive in the ballroom he have his eyes scanning to the crowd for certain brown haired beauty. He hadn’t even converse with a single person ever since he arrive, he sat on his throne that over look the whole room and just watch. His mother and father are quietly sitting on their own massive thrones looking at the crowd and talking with acquaintances occasionally, both have smiles on their faces.

Thick silence covered the massive room as the double oak doors on the top of the stair case open.

“Their majesties, King Colbert Christamos II and Queen Charlene Hale Titiana , king and queen of Armine, and the most respected knight of the whole Armana, Sir Knight Frederick D’rouge” the king, queen, and the knight descended down the stairs with their chins held high. The queen’s slender arm is tucked on the crook of the king’s elbow. Their golden crown with expensive jewels adorns their heads. The king is as big man as prince Leonardo’s father. He is wearing his expensive king suit. He has an electric intimidating grey eyes and light brown hair that almost look like blonde. He have sharp features with his nicely cut beard. The queen is an epitome of beauty. She is slim and tall, her long brown hair is styled in to a neat up do. The gown of silk flow on her figure beautifully and her eyes is a bright shade of brown, a very beautiful eyes that almost every titiana royals have. Both king and queen wear the finest clothes in the shade of gold. Sir Frederick has his most expensive knight suit with his black swords strap upon his belt

The crowd give curtsy to the guest of honor and Prince Leonardo follow his parents as they walk towards the Armine royals.

“it’s very good to see you again my old friend.” King Lubrige give the King Colbert a manly hug as the two queen give each other a hug of affectionate friendship.

“Aye, I do agree,” king Colbert spoke.

“Queen Charlene, still as beautiful as I remember…” King lubrige said and take the Armine queens hand and kiss the back of her wrist.

“Same goes to you, queen Aileyanna..” the king do the same to the mcneir queen.

“Let me introduce our son, Prince Leonardo Lubrige Mcneir..” queen Aileyanna gesture for his son to step forward.

“Pleasure to meet you your majesties..” the prince bow down. Queen Charlene stare at him with soft eyes and the king look at him with proud eyes.

“Oh what a handsome young man you got.. I would like to introduce my son and daughter to you but I’m afraid they are among the crowd..” queen Charlene said.

“I’m am going to get a drink..” Sir Frederick said and disappears through the crowd.

Both king look at each other with an expression as if they understand what each other is silently saying.

Prince Leonardo saw this small exchange between the two kings but chose to ignore it.

From the distance, in the middle of the ball room Prince Leonardo saw a slender lady dressed in gold. She have a very long brown hair that fall on her back in waves. The prince made his way through the rowd saying excuse me on every person. He try to see the girl again but he lost her again. He scan the thick crowd but cannot see her.

The Mcneir queen saw this little actions the prince had made, they smile at each other and turn around to converse about a certain young couple.

Prince Leonardo walk around the ball room trying to get a glimpse of the young lady in gold gown, but cannot see er anywhere.

A small poke took his attention away from the crowd. his breath was caught on his throat as he gaze at that familiar grey orbs.

“are you looking for someone my prince? You’ve been looking around with haste…” Lady Lyka said in concern.

“no, uhm, I mean yes. I was actually looking for you…” the prince said.

“Me? For what do I owe the pleasure?” the lady asks.

The orchestra started playing again and the couple now occupies the middle of the ball room to dance.

“may you please dance with me m’lady..” the prince ask as he give a small curtsy to the lady.

“you may…” the lady smile and took the prince’s awaiting hands. He lead her towards the middle of the dancing couple and as the music turn to the starting point, the prince took the lady’s right hand on his own and her left hand on his broad shoulder. His left hand grabs her waist and pulls her closer to him.

The two of them did not spoke a word, for the both of them was lost in each other’s eyes. The couples and other people around them watch them with smile and envy, but the two cannot seem to see this. Lady’s of both royals and nobles look at lady lyka with distaste and envy, court lady’s look at her with calculating eyes. The kings and queens all have smiles fixed on their faces as they gaze at the couple in the middle of the ballroom lost in their dance of affection.

The prince spun her around in a swift movement as the music came to the chorus. Many movements was made but their eyes is still fixed to each other. As the song came to the end, the prince gently twirl her around and as they faces fixed upon an inch of distance, Prince Leonardo touch her soft cheeks with his knuckles. The crowd burst in to a lowd applause and the couple reluctantly pull away from each other as they clap among the crowd.

“greeting! My dear royals and nobles” King lubrige spoke. “May I please introduce my most beloved friends, Frderick D’rouge, knight of Armana, King Colbert and Queen Charlene of Armine “ the said people occupy the front of the ball room, people bow down at the presence of the royals once again.

“Greetings, of course I would like to give my deepest appreciation to my friend here, our king Lubrige. I would like to present to all of you, my son and heir Prince Jack Colbert Armine” King Colbert spoke and a man maybe 3 years younger than prince Leonardo walk beside the Armine king. He have a hair like his father and a brown eyes like his mother. He is dressed in his prince suit in a shade of gold. “and our dear princess…. Prince Lyka Armine” the crowd burst in to a fits applause as the young girl standing beside the Mcneir prince walk towards the royals.

Princess Lyka hug Prince jack and monarchs. So she is a princess… Leonardo thought. Is she married? He can’t  take the suffocating air in their presence so he hasitly leave the ball room.

He sulk on his chamber on his own. Tears silently stream on his face for the first time ever. Never had he felt that way and never does he want to feel it again. He can hear he shattering of glass inside his very heart, wounding him and killing him. He can see him elf in depths of darkness, slowly shrinking and fading to nothing.

The Lame Prince and the Knight. (under major editing!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ