Ready to Comply

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It was dark... There was blood everywhere... So much blood... and the three-year-old knew exactly who that blood belonged to. Not far from where the purpled eyed toddler was cowering in a corner lay the two mangled and bloodied bodies of her mother and father. Standing over them was a man dressed all in black except for the silver arm that was splattered in blood. The man looked towards the sobbing three-year-old and started towards her. He dropped to one knee in front of her, holding out his real hand, not the metal one, to the girl. She cowered away from him, staring at the blood splattering his metal arm. The man finally spoke.

"Come with me kid. I can protect you." His voice was gruff from disuse but it was gentle. The girl looked up at him and bright purple eyes met silvery blue. The girl, fearing for her life nodded and took his hand. Sealing her fate.

Kalina Barnes. Kali. Kid. Burden. Experiment 0245. All these names that each different person in the base called her. Her favourite was Kali. The man called her that. He didn't like calling her Experiment 0245 or anything else. He liked calling her Kali. He liked keeping her close. Kalina liked being around him. He promised to protect her and he did his best.

"Experiment 0245. We have another procedure to do. The Soldier will bring you to the labs," The mean man in the white coat said to the girl, now 5 years old. The man, who was actually called Bucky Barnes as Kalina found out a few months ago, picked her up and carried her to the labs. Kalina held on tight to him. She knew he had killed her parents but he protected her and treated her like his child. When he set her down on the cold metal slab he pressed a soft kissed to the top of her head. He stepped away after brushing a strand of her hair from her face. The mean man in the white coat stepped over to her and pushed her to lay back on the metal slab. He slid a needle into her arm, holding her down with a hand on her chest. Everything started going dark and fuzzy... she hated this part. She fought against the man's hold as she slipped into unconsciousness.

Kalina Barnes was 15... well she looked 15 anyway. Bucky had just returned from his first failed mission. When he had returned Kalina was pulled from her cell and shoved into the electroshock chair. Everyone knew that the brainwashing didn't work on her... but it made her words stick.. She bit down hard on the mouth guard as the shocks to her brain started... She head the words as they were read out... Kalina struggled against the dark presence in her mind that was trying to take over. She didn't stand a chance... The thing that was nicknamed The Raven shoved Kalina back into the back of her mind. When she opened her eyes it wasn't Kalina looking back at her SO... It was The Raven. "Ворон?" The Raven looked up at him. "Готов к выполнению"

Готов к выполнению
Ready to Comply

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