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Raven had decided she didn't want to do this mission, it was beneath her apparently. So Kalina was left to do this particular mission... 'More of a punishment' according to the scientists.

Kalina hid behind a tree, tears in her eyes as her target's car approached. She ran out in front of the car and stopped in the middle of the road, staring at the passengers with wide, teary, frightened eyes. Howard Stark pulled a sharp turn to miss the girl and ended up crashing into a pole. The man forced himself out of the car as Kalina approached. He looked up at her as she stood over him.

"I don't want to do this..." She mumbled to him. "But I have too..." Howard stared at her, at the HYDRA patch on her uniform's shoulder.

"What's your name..." He croaked, taking one of her hands in his. Kalina looked at his bloodied hands, confused by the touch.

"Kalina... Kalina Barnes..." Howard gave her a soft smile and brushed her black hair out of her face.

"This is not your fault... This is not on you." He insisted. "Just make it quick." He released Kalina's hands and nodded to her, sitting back against the side of his wrecked car as Kalina reached out and snapped his neck. The girl moved the billionaire's body back into the front seat of the car. Kalina moved around the car to the passenger side. Maria Stark looked up at the purple eyed girl, pity in her eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Kalina whispered as she reached out and got ready to snap the woman's neck.

"Don't be. I can see your remorse..." Kalina felt tears well in her eyes as she quickly wrenched the woman's head to a 90 degree angle, breaking her neck and leaving her in the car. The 'assassin' moved quickly, finding the case containing the Super Soldier Serum just as the Winter Soldier appeared on his motorcycle.

"Поехали." The Soldier said gruffly as he shot the security camera, destroy the tape inside. Kalina climbed onto the back of the bike after securing the case on the back of it. Kalina was silent on the way back to the compound, as was the Soldier. Once they reached the compound her father was led away back to his cell while Kalina was taken to the labs... Again... She was immediately laid down on one of the beds as 5 of the next best spec ops personnel were led in.

The tallest one scoffed when he saw the purple eyed child lying on one of the gurneys.

"Her? I thought you were getting the best of the best!" He snorted. The head lab tech glared at him.

"She is the best. And with this serum she will be better than all of you could hope to be. Now. Go to your assigned rooms. We will be with you momentarily." The clear dismissal to the spec ops personnel was actually listened too, to Kalina's surprise.

"Sir. Why is she being left here?" One of the lab techs asked.

"Because she will need more watching and care than the others. I don't care if the others die. This one is to survive." The head lab tech lightly stroked Kalina's hair as one of his assistants walked over with the serum set up in an IV drip. "You will be our true pride... Kalina Barnes..." he whispered to her as the needle was inserted into her arm. "You will be the best HYDRA has to offer..."

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