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Watch them. They had told her... don't let them out of your sight... her orders were clear. Follow the family back to their home and find out the little secret that their country was keeping. Simple enough...

Well. It would have been if a group of Mafia hitmen hadn't completely threw the plan off the rails...

"Okay then... plan B..." Kalina growled, yanking her earpiece out and crushing it under her foot as she knocked an arrow and let it fly at the hitmen attacking the Royal Family of Wakanda. The 6 year old Princess, Shuri, screamed as a man fell dead in front of her with an arrow in his throat. There were too many men for Kalina to be able to get them all from the roof without hitting her actual targets... the assassin groaned and yanked the HYDRA patches off her uniform before she leapt off the roof, pulling one of her dual katanas from the sheath strapped to her back as she landed crouching in front of the family.

"Boo." The dark grin on the assassin's face had the hitmen backing up in terror as she leapt gracefully at them, cutting three men down in the blink of an eye before anyone could move to attack her.

The fight was quick and bloodied. One guy managed to run the assassin through with her own katana (which earned him a dagger to the top of his skull). Once the last man dropped Kalina allowed herself a moment to rest, dropping her katanas and pressing her hand to the steadily bleeding wound in her stomach.

"Oh! Child your are bleeding!" The Queen gasped, approaching the girl who had saved her family from certain death.

"Я в порядке, Ваше Величество..." Kalina insisted in a weak voice. The King frowned in confusion, approaching the assassin also.

"We do not understand you child... do you speak English...?" King T'Chaka asked in a surprisingly calm voice.

"I... yes... I said I was fine... I have experienced worse injuries..." the girl attempted a bow to the King and Queen but lost her balance as her head spun from blood loss. Kalina groaned, sinking to her knees as standing became too much for her body.

She vaguely heard speaking as a coat was draped around her slim form and she was lifted into someone's arms but her tired mind couldn't make sense of the sounds she was hearing. The weakened assassin simply allowed herself to be carried away, slipping into unconsciousness quickly.


It was hours later and she still hadn't woken up. Shuri and T'Challa were both growing impatient and worried. The doctors had said that the if girl, who looked to be about 15 maybe 16, didn't wake up within a day she likely wouldn't wake at all. Shuri claimed that she had seen the girl's hand move more than an hour ago but T'Challa was beginning to think that it was simply his little sister willing herself to see that her saviour was alive. The King and Queen were in a meeting about the clearly European teenager and what was going to happen to her...

"T'Challa. Walk with me, My son." King T'Chaka called to his eldest child from the doorway of the laboratory.

T'Challa nodded and followed his father silently through the halls of the palace, waiting for the King to speak.

"The Council are insisting that the girl be imprisoned and interrogated. Your mother has refused their requests and is in the process of making the girl a Wakandan citizen. I am wary about doing this without knowing anything about this girl but I have a feeling about this girl. And I believe it is a good feeling." The King explained as they walked together in a large circle before coming to a stop outside the laboratory again. "When the girl is awake send for myself and your mother." T'Chaka rested a hand on T'Challa's shoulder before he turned and left.

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