Luminara's Vision

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Luminara slowly opened her eyes, and she woke up on her bed in her quarters.
Mace, Yoda and Obi Wan watching over her condition.
"What happened?" She sat up, putting her hand on her head.
"We- don't know."
"I remember, you were having visions of Barriss." Obi Wan replied.
"I- I remember. They were.. disturbing to say the least." The Mirialan Master answered.
"Do you.. remember them?" Mace asked, getting worried.
Luminara looked around, squinting her eyes.
"Tell us these.. visions, could you?" Yoda asked.
"I... saw Barriss. She was on some sort of ship..."
"With who?" Mace asked.
"If I could recall.. it was... Chancellor Palpatine.."
All of the masters looked at one another with confusion and worry..
"They were going to naboo.. and Barriss, she- had a red kyber crystal."
"Where from?!" Obi Wan asked.
"I don't know.. but she was taken, to a hideout.. I think. But then..."
Luminara put her head down. Her voice cracked;
"I saw her.. make-a-and ignite.. a red saber.."
Obi Wan knelt down next to luminara.
Mace and Yoda looked at each other in disappointment and.. fear.
"Unduli. If you could recognise where she is, could you lead us to her?"
Luminara looked at all the masters.
"Yes. I suppose I could."
"Then, set course for naboo, we must."
"We'd need to gather some more Jedi to help if this turns ugly."
"Us 4 could all go. I know Barriss more than anyone.."
"Anyone? Not..." Obi Wan didn't finish his sentence.
"Padawan Tano." Mace finished Kenobi's sentence.
"Where would we find her at such short notice?"
"That might be a problem. I don't know if she's still on Coruscant."
"It's worth a shot?" Obi Wan shrugged his shoulders.
Mace helped Luminara up, and they walked to the council chambers.
"Master Unduli, is everything ok?" Master Shaak Ti asked, as she sat down.
"Yes, are you ok?" Master Plo added.
"Thank you, but I am fine. We need to focus on my 'padawan' though."
The masters chatted as they were confused but excited to hear what was wrong.
"We believe that Offee has become an apprentice to Chancellor Palpatine, based off of Master Unduli's visions. We also believe that she has constructed a red saber." Mace tokd the council.
"She has done what?!"
"Is she a Sith apprentice?"
"SILENCE!" Mace commanded.
"We need a few council members to come to Naboo with me and Master Unduli." Obi Wan spoke up.
"Someone who is skilled, and knows Barriss well?" Shaak Ti asked.
"Well, we would come in contact with Padawan Tano, but we already have me and Master Kenobi going."
The council spoke for a while.
"I will volunteer." Plo Koon piped in.
"It's settled then. Master Kenobi, Unduli and Plo will go to Naboo to find Offee and Palpatine." Mace ended the conversation until..
"What about coming into contact with Tano?"
"We can try. It's settled then."
The three assigned Jedi walked to the communication room and tried to come into contact.
"I doubt she's still on coruscant."
"Master Kenobi, why are we trying to contact Ahsoka without Anakin? You know how much she meant to him." Unduli asked.
"I suppose you're right." Obi wan spike to anakin through his comlink.
"Anakin? Are you there?"
A voice came from the device.
"Yes master."
"Report to the communication room."
"Yes master."
"Now, we wait." Master Plo said.
Minutes later, anakin arrived.
"Sorry I took so long. What are we doing?"
Obi Wan looked at anakin with excitement.
"We are attempting to communicate with.. Ahsoka."
Anakin's face lit up.
However, his hopes of seeing or hearing ahsoka again were crushed. The signal was blocked.
"I guess it'll be just us three going to Naboo, Kenobi?" Plo asked.
"Yes, it is."

On Naboo

"Barriss. Barriss, come in." Barriss's comlink buzzed.
"Yes master. What is the problem?"
"I hear the Jedi are coming. That blasted Master of yours saw you." Palpatine's voice came from the device.
"I don't know. But be prepared. I'll be there, soon."
"Standing by, Master." Barriss muted her comlink.
She quickly packed her bag, in case she was to flee the scene. She clipped her new, shiny saber to her belt and place her blue toned hood back over her head, as she removed it whilst Palpatine was gone, which showed her short, brown hair.
Barriss paced the room, thinking of a solution. What could she do? She didn't want to fight her old colleagues! But she didn't want to he taken away, or the Chancellor exposed. She didn't want to die, for that matter. She needed a plan, and fast.

On Master Unduli, Kenobi, and Plo's shuttle.

"General Kenobi, we are nearing naboo." The clone pilot said to Obi Wan.
"Good. We'll be there in no time."
Plo reassured Luminara:
"Don't worry. We'll bring her home."
Luminara looked at the Kel Dor.
"Thank you, Master Plo."
"Sir, we are about to land. Please, sit down."
The trio sat down, and prepared for the landing. As their shuttle landed, the three cautiously walked out of the shuttle door and onto the platform.
"Another happy landing."
"I agree, Master Kenobi."
Plo looked at the Mirialan.
"Where do we go from here?"
Luminara looked around for a second.
"If my visions are correct.. we go... here." She said, pointing at the waterfall.
"Then, lets go!"
The three ran off to the waterfall, up the long path that led to the middle of the waterfall. When they stopped, they noticed a door.
"This is it."
They all used the force, to carefully and silently open the heavy door.
"Come on!" Luminara ran inside, leaving Plo and Kenobi at the entrance.
"Wait for us!" The two ran after her.

Lightsaber Construction Room

Barriss heard the whispering and the footsteps of her former masters. She was still coming up for an excuse, but before she could..
"Here! She's in here!"
Barriss looked around for an escape. No where. It was a dead end. Three lightsabers poked through the locked door, formed an incision in the door and climbed through.
"Barriss? Barriss!" Luminara ran up to her.
"Stay. Back." Barriss clenched her saber.
Luminara took a few steps back, and Obi wan put his arm on her shoulder.
"Barriss... how could you?"
Barriss looked up. She had finally hatched a plan, and she stared at the three, highly skilled masters with her, now, yellow, orange and red tinted eyes.

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