Chapter 3

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Last night I couldn't stop dreaming about that man I meet in the shop he's just so handsome I thought to myself
M-DJ:Sigh I hope I get to meet him again he seems so very nice and kind I wish I had a way of talking to him more often but how can I when I don't even have his number sigh
I walk back into my room then I just remembered something
M-DJ:Wait he ask me to hang out with him this weekend so I'll get a chance to see him and talk to him again yay I can't wait for this weekend

Ramses POV

Ramses: Ania I couldn't stop thinking about that beautiful man
Ania:Awwww daddy looks like you might be falling in love with him
Ramses:I think your right my little lovely one now come on let's go open up the shop since it's Friday I'll order you your favorite food
Ania:Yay thank you Daddy
Ramses:Welcome my little lovely one

I hug Ania and she hugs me back

               *Few minutes later*

Me and Ania get to the shop I unlock the door and I hold the door open for Ania after she walks I walk in behind her and turn on the lights to the shop and I see Ania head over to her favorite spot in my shop
Ramses:I wonder how today is going to be but I can't wait for tomorrow I get to hang out with that beautiful man tomorrow.

               *Few hours later*

Ramses:Ania it's time to go home
Ania:Ok daddy here I come
Ania walks up to me and grabs my hand we walk out of the shop and I lock the doors then me and Ania go back to our house. When we get back to the house I unlock the door and Ania walks in then I walk in and lock the door then I go and sit down on the couch and I order Ania's favorite food

                *Few minutes later*

I hear a knock on the door
Ramses:Oh that must be the food
I get up from the couch and unlock the door and payed for the food and close and lock the door
Ramses:Ania your food here
Ania:Ok daddy
                  * Few minutes later*

Ramses:Ania it's time for bed
Ania:Ok daddy
I go to Anias room and see that she is already for bed
Ramses:I see that you're all ready to be tuck in
I tuck Ania into bed and kiss her forehead
Ramses: Goodnight Ania
Ania: Goodnight daddy
I close her bedroom door and walk to my bedroom I go inside and change into my PJ's and get into bed I can't wait to see that beautiful man tomorrow I thought to myself then I drifted off to sleep.

                     * The Next Day*


I wake up and see that it's Saturday and I realize that today is the day I get to hang out with that handsome sexy man
M-DJ:Screams I can't wait! Now what should I wear I started thinking to myself about what I should wear then I walk over to my closet and I look through my clothes
M-DJ:What should I wear I need to look my best for that guy
I keep on looking for a nice outfit then I came across the outfit that I had bought yesterday
M-DJ:Well well I know what I'm going to wear

I wake up and see that it's Saturday and I realize that today is the day I get to hang out with that handsome sexy manM-DJ:Screams I can't wait! Now what should I wear I started thinking to myself about what I should wear then I walk over to my cl...

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I grabbed the outfit out of the bag and lay it on my bed
M-DJ:Now I need to pick out the right shoes for the outfit
So I went back into my closet to see what shoes I can wear then I came across a pair of new shoes that I had also bought

I grabbed the outfit out of the bag and lay it on my bedM-DJ:Now I need to pick out the right shoes for the outfitSo I went back into my closet to see what shoes I can wear then I came across a pair of new shoes that I had also bought

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M-DJ:Now my outfit is perfect and now I need to go take a shower
I go take my shower
                 *Few Minutes later*

I get out of the shower and dry my hair and put my outfit and shoes on and did my hair and I looked at myself in the mirror
M-DJ:Wow I look good I hope he likes my outfit I can't wait to see him

Ramses POV

I wake up and I see that today is the day that I get to see that sexy man again I hop out of bed and I go wake up Ania
Ramses:Wake up sweetie
Ania: Morning daddy
Ramses:Ok now go get dress cause daddy has somewhere to be today
I walk out of Ania room and go into the bathroom to freshen myself up

               * Few Minutes later*

I walked out of the bathroom and go into my room when I walk into my room I close the door and drop my towel and grab a pair of underwear and I walk over to my closet I open my closet door and grab a pair of my clothes and I put my clothes on
Ramses: I hope I look good for him
I checked my watch
Ramses:Oh it's almost time to leave
I walked out of my room and grab my car keys
Ania:yes daddy
Ramses:I'm going out for a while I'll be back make sure you lock the door
Ania:Ok daddy hope you have fun
Ramses:Thank you sweetheart
I walked over to annia and hug her and kiss her on her forehead that I walk out the door and head to my car I get to my car and unlock it and get in and drive off to my shop
                  *Few Minutes later*

I get to my shop and I see that sexy man that I met the other day I get out of my car and see he is wearing this beautiful outfit
Ramses:You look amazing
M-DJ:*blushing*Oh thank you you look handsome
Ramses:Thank you by the way what's your name
M-DJ:M-DJ what's your name
M-DJ:Wow that's a really handsome name for a guy like you
Ramses:*blushing* thank you and your name is sexy for a guy like you
M-DJ:*blushing* thanks
Ramses:You ready to go
I grabbed his hand and I opened the passenger side door for him
M-DJ:Thank you
I walk over to the driver's side of the door and get in
Ramses:So where do you want to go
M-DJ:How about this one spot that I know is amazing
Ramses:Ok can you tell me where it's at
                 *Few Minutes later*

We make it to the spot that M-DJ was talking aboutwe both get out and open the trunk and grab a blanket then I close the trunk and lay the blanket out on the ground
Ramses:Here so we don't have to stand
M-DJ:Oh nice
Me and M-DJ sit down on the blanket
Ramses:Yes M-DJ
M-DJ:This place is so beautiful at night it makes me think about home
Ramses:Oh where are you from
Ramses:Wait what
M-DJ:Yeah I'm from space I'm an alien
Ramses:Ok show me
Ramses:Can you show me your true form
I see M-DJ stand upand he started changing into his true form when he was done transforming I was shocked he looked so kawaii in his true alien form
Ramses:Wow you look so kawaii
M-DJ:Oh thank you
Then M-DJ change back into his human form
M-DJ:What about you where are you from
Ramses:I'm from Egypt and I'm a
naga but I'm not just any Naga on the guardian of time my actual name is Shanthkar
M-DJ:Wow show me please
I started changing into my true form when I was done transforming I look down at M-DJ
M-DJ:Wow you look so hot
Ramses:Thank you
then I changed back into my human form then and M-DJ ran up and hugged me I started blushing then hug them back then M-DJ ask me something that made me blush all over again and made me have a nosebleed
M-DJ:Let's make out and make love
Ramses:Ok you want to go back to my place.

Hey guys I know it's been awhile since I've updated this story but I just want to give it thanks to Celtica Jackson she is the one who gave me the idea for chapter 3 I love her so much thank you Celtica and thank you guys for waiting so patiently for it ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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