Chapter 8

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Ramses POV

I wake up and see that it's sunny outside and I think that today is the perfect day for me and M-DJ to spend time with Ania so I wake up M-DJ and tell him what the plans are for today
Ramses: M-DJ wake up baby
M-DJ: yes honey
Ramses: guess what
M-DJ: what
Ramses: I was thinking since it's a nice day why don't we spend time with Ania
M-DJ: that would be lovely

Me and M-DJ get out if bed and get dressed for the day then we head to Ania's room I open her door and she is still sleeping me and M-DJ sit next to the side of her bed
Ramses: Ania wake up sweetheart
Ania: good morning Mommy and Daddy
M-DJ: good morning sweetie how did you sleep
Ania: I slept great
Ramses: that's good now get dressed the three of us are going to have fun today
Ania: ok Daddy I can't wait

Me and M-DJ leave Ania's room so she could get dressed while we sit on the couch and watch some TV then we see Ania come out of her room and she sat with us
Ramses: so Ania what shall we do today
Ania: how about we watch movies and play with my dolls
M-DJ: ok that sounds fun
Ramses: what movies should me watch
Ania: how about Peter Pan
Ramses: ok

I grab the Peter Pan movie and we watch Peter Pan

              *Few Minutes Later*

When the movie was over I took it out and put it back in the case
Ramses: so now that we watched Peter Pan do you want to play with your dolls Ania
Ania: yes I'll go get them

Ania came out with all of her dolls and the three of us played with her dolls

                *Few Hours Later*

I see that Ania had fallen asleep on the floor after we played with her dolls for a few hours so I picked her up and put her and tuck her into bed and kissed her forehead I leave her room and walk to me and M-DJ's room and I see that M-DJ had already fallen asleep
Ramses: wow I guess you must have been really tired too

I look at the time and it read 6:30 pm
Ramses: wow this early I guess I should get some sleep

So I went into the closet change and got into bed kissed M-DJ's head and drifted off to sleep.

                                   The Next Day


I wake up and see that it's the next day so I turn over and see Ramses is still asleep
M-DJ: Awww Ania must have also tuckered him out as well
I start think about all the fun the three of us had yesterday
M-DJ: sigh
I start smiling to myself and thinking how lucky I am to have met Ramses and his daughter and how I would give up anything just to have them in my life then an idea pop into my head
M-DJ: hmm what if I made them breakfast to show how much I love and appreciate them they would really love that

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