Chapter 1

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I enter my house and sit down on the couch with a sigh of relief. I only have 4 hours to sleep before I have to get back up and tend to my duties, I think to myself, but I need the rest, no matter how minimal. Hesitantly, I make my way to the kitchen and observe that my food supply is starting to run low. I open the powerless fridge and pull out the half eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich I still have from yesterday.

Slowly, in an attempt to savor the last bits of the seemingly simple taste, I munch on the rest of the sandwich and venture down the hall to my dad's study. This has been my daily routine everyday, and will continue to be until I find something that would at least try to explain what has happened here. My dad had been studying supernatural occurences like this for as long as he lived so I hold onto hope that he has to have something written or drawn or noted about this somewhere.

From my father's study, I could hear faint banging on the door, so I pick up the baseball bat I had hidden in the closet. Cautiously, I begin to make my way to the front door. I didn't have time to be bothered by anyone right now. I crack open the door and look down, only to see a young girl on my door-mat, bleeding badly. I rush down to her side, rushing to take off my plaid shirt.

"Where is the bleeding coming from?" I ask her urgently. She moves her hands from her stomach and the entire front of her shirt was covered in blood. I picked her up and carried her inside bridal style, trying my best not to hurt her anymore than she already is. I lay her on the table that I've moved in the middle of the living room. "How old are you?" I ask lightly, running to get the first aid kit out of the bathroom. "I'm fifteen." She replies weakly. Okay, so she has a few years until she has to worry. "Do you have a gift?" I question, feeling bad that I'm bombarding this poor girl with so many questions. She looks up at me and shakes her head no. I clean up the blood around her wound and see clear burn marks.

"You're lying."

I push her off the table, already knowing she's one of the enemies. She gets up from the ground and tries to blast me, but I run to the back of the house, where I'll be safer. I can't believe I fell for this again.

4 Weeks Earlier

I walked down the crowded hall to my locker, where I saw one of my good friends, Josie. "Someone is running late" She remarked. I gave her that "you-don't-even-wanna-know" look and she didn't prod for answers. I opened my locker, taking off my book bag and placing it on the hook. I got out all of the books I would need for today, closed my locker, and started walking to my class with Josie still behind me.

I walked into class, bracing myself for Mr. Vance's "joke of the day", but he wasn't at the door greeting us like usual. I took my seat, thinking nothing of his abnormal absence. Maybe we had a sub, or he was just running late. The bell rang for class to begin and yet he still hasn't showed up. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I wondered who could possibly want to talk to me right now. I pulled my phone out from my pocket, and the screen illuminated. Immediately, I noticed a text from an unknown number.

You Are It.

Slightly alarmed, I texted back asking who it was, but as it turns out, there would be no reply. I looked over into the classroom and saw everyone talking amongst themselves, some of them doing their work. I couldn't help but glance over at Josie, who was listening to music with her earbuds in. She gets really irritated when I interrupt her music, since it ruins the "listening experience", so instead, I walked over to the class rep, Olivia, and saw she was doing work that wasn't due until next week. "Do you know where Mr. Vance is?" I asked her. She looked up at me, seemingly disinterested and shook her head."I'm not sure, I wasn't told by him that he would be out today. I did give him an email and ask, however." Slightly confused, I thanked her and went back to my seat.

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