Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes after everything has calmed down. The person that ended up on top of me slowly rose, allowing me to look around. I rolled over to see Logan. "You were frozen, so I took action." He helped me up off the ground, and I brushed myself off. "Yeah.. sorry about that." I don't know what happened to me. Even when I tried to take cover, my feet were glued to the ground. Everyone started to gather around us. "Should we figure out what happened?" I asked, looking up at Logan. He ran to the doors and some of us followed him, while others stayed behind and continued to work on the walkie talkies. We walked outside and it was humid, no air circulating. It's spring time, but now it feels like summer.

"Did you just see that?" I turned around to face the girl behind me, Kaliyah, I think that's what her name is. I shook my head no. She continued to look around before gesturing to where she was looking. "Just watch the bird," she urged. I watched as the bird flew in our direction. Then it crashed into something, you couldn't see what it was like it was invisible. "What do you think it is?" I realized what is was "It's a dome." I said quietly not wanting to face reality that this has officially become real and no one is coming back to save us. "Okay we can't freak out so everyone take a deep breath." I looked around and still didn't see Josie anywhere. I started to walk around until I spotted Josie's shoes. I ran over to her "Josie!" I screamed. She didn't say anything. I dropped to the ground where she was laying at. I checked her pulse she was still breathing, just unconscious. I looked around, I didn't know know what I was looking for but anything that will help me wake her up. I got up and tried to pick her up but she was a little to heavy for me. I grabbed her arms then noticed something on one. I pulled down her hoodie and saw a star the same star as the one on Bryson's arm. "What the hell?" I tried to wipe hers off to see if it was different, but nothing it must be apart of the whole world ending. I ignored it for now and continued to drag her to where everywhere was. "What's going on?" I turned around and saw a girl with a walkie talkie in her hand. "She's unconscious" she put her walkie talkie in her pocket and helped me stand her up. "On the count of 3 pick her up" I nodded my head.

4 weeks later
I sat down on my couch and grabbed my book from the table. I put my feet up and opened it up to where I left off. As soon as I started to get into the story there was a knock on the door. I went over to the door and opened it to reveal Kyle holding a clipboard. I grabbed the clipboard from him "I heard that this was your last day doing duties." I nodded my head while signing my name. "What are you going to do now?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Why are things so awkward between us I thought we agreed it wouldn't change our relationship with each other?" I didn't say anything. Kyle and I fell off when he decided to give some guys all of my dad's work when he knew I wanted to be the one to figure it out or keep the part of my dad to myself. I handed him back the clipboard ready to close the door "Have you seen Josie around?" I nodded my head. There are rules, like no one is allowed to live with a friend rules even though Josie does so we both have different duties so we won't be home when the other person is. "Okay well I guess I'll see you around Ness" I nodded my head before closing the door. I went back to the couch trying to read the book but I couldn't get back into it. I grabbed my keys from the table and headed out. I guess if I needed to make more generators I should start soon.

Back to the Present
"What happened?" I looked over at Josie, rushing over to her side. "You passed out during the earthquake, so Logan carried you all the way to Macy's." I reached for my walkie talkie. "Logan?" I said into it. "What's going on Yesenia?" I looked over at Josie who was just noticing her arm. "She's awake now" I put the walkie down and turned my attention back to Josie. "Where did this come from?" She asked trying to rub it off. "I don't know it was on your arm when I found you but the baby I had early had the same one." I heard footsteps coming towards us. "I told him it was a tattoo so don't mention it." She looked at me confused then nodded her head yes. "How you feeling?" Logan asked with two other guys behind him "good I guess what's going on now though." She asked getting up out of the bed. "We are going to drive to the end of the dome and see where it takes us and if it's breakable." She noddee her head as if this wasn't affecting her at all while I was still freaking out at the fact that we're under a dome. "Everyone is heading home so you two do the same okay?" We both nodded our heads, walking out behind them.

4 weeks later
I walked into Home Depot and was greeted by Zachery. "Not now Zach" I said trying to avoid him. "Please Yesenia can you just read me to see what my gift is?" I turned to face him "Maybe you don't have a gift Zach, have you ever thought about that?" More than half of the population has a gift and those that didn't let's just say Logan didn't really seem them helpful. I'm not saying he killed them or anything just, they didn't get the same treatment as everyone who did have a gift. "Can you just try?" I turned towards him and reached out my hands. He placed his on my mines and I felt myself getting dizzy.


I was now back in front of Home Depot but the parking lot had more cars in it then before I got here. I walked inside and saw adults everywhere. I ran up to the nearest lady I saw and tried to grab her but my hand went right thru her. Shit. I walked around trying to find what I was looking for then there was Zachery pushing a cart with his baby sister in, following his mom. I followed behind them careful not to let him see me. A couple minutes later. His mom was gone "mom?" He called out at least 20 times realizing she was gone. I started to walk away realizing I was right, he just didn't have a gift until I heard loud crashes coming from where he was. I ran back and saw him knocking over shelves. He was angry beyond angry, frustrated. He was turning red. Then his hands went into flames. I slowly started to back up. "Get me out of here!" I screamed. Usually with most of my reads they stop after the climax but this one wasn't ending. I started to run until I was back outside. "Are you okay?" I turned around and saw a guy carrying bags. This couldn't be happening right, right cause I wasn't able to even touch the lady in the store. He continued to stare at me "Do I know you?" I asked walking closer to him trying to see if he was real, making sure I wasn't losing my mind. "Come on darling it's me, your dad."

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