Chapter 7

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When I got home, Lily was sitting on my front steps. "Lily, what are you still doing here?" She looked up at me with her big brown eyes, and I could tell she had been crying. "Where is she Yessi?" I didn't know what to tell her... I couldn't make her more upset than she was, and I definitely couldn't lie to her. "We'll find her, I promise" I sat down beside her on the steps and pulled her in for a hug. At this point, I had no idea where Josie could have been. I didn't want to believe she would go to that rally at the end of the dome because it wasn't even worth trying. Especially if Logan catches them... the punishment that was bound to come might be worse then whatever can happen out there at the dome. "It's getting late, you gotta go home, okay?" Lilly stood up and started to walk down the steps, before turning to me. "Promise to keep looking for her?" I nodded my head while crossing my heart. Lilly turned around and started walking back down the street. I stayed sitting on the steps for a little while, just thinking to myself. "Mind if I sit?" I looked up and saw Kyle standing in front of me. "I do, actually." He threw his hands up in defense, and I got up from the steps to make my way inside. I walked into the kitchen and started to look through my cabinets for anything to eat, and I found a lone can of Vienna sausages. Not much, but anything will do at this point. I grabbed the can and made my way to my living room. Sitting down on the couch, I looked down at all the papers scattered on the table. My eyes scanned over them again, hoping there was something I had missed, anything that would catch my eye. I looked over the map of the city and noticed an X drawn over the airport. Worriedly, I grabbed the map and ran to my dad's study. This made the third X I had noticed. I went through my notes of everything that happened after I'd noticed the last X on the map. Each time an X has appeared, something bad followed. I didn't know what the airport had turned into, as I hadn't been there since everything happened. But what should I do? I could go to the airport and investigate for myself, or I could wait until Logan gets back, but... who knows what could happen by then?

Back to the present

Once we got back to my house, we made our way inside and started going over what we both picked up. "How do you think he got the truck up and running?" Josie asked me. "I don't know, siphoned gas and stolen materials?" Without much direction, we both sat down on the couch. "How are we supposed to survive like this?" Josie says hollowly, before she started to cry. I moved closer to her and grabbed her hand. I felt myself starting to get dizzy, and I saw a tear fall just past our hands as everything went black.


It was now pitch black, and I couldn't really see anything. I started walking around until I saw Josie standing alone. "Hey, what just happened?" I walked over to her and went to tap her shoulder. She jumped when I touched her, and I whipped my hand back in shock. "Shit! You scared the hell out of me Yessi! I thought you were asleep." I laughed at her reaction and she cracked a small smile. "What are you doing out here in the dark?" I asked her, looking around. She didn't say anything for a while, and just as I was about to repeat myself, she spoke softly. "It's dark to you? I can see perfectly fine." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked down at the time. "It's 3 am, pitch black, Josie. What do-" I was cut off by Josie screaming, "MOVE!" I froze up and just stood there, and felt something scratch my leg. "OWW!" I screamed out, my leg searing in pain.

Flashback over

I was woken up by Josie shaking me. "There you are, what the hell just happened to you?" I blinked rapidly, shocked by the change in lighting. "What do you mean? We were just outside when something attacked my leg." I looked back down at my leg to see it was perfectly unharmed. Unconvinced, she scooted away from me, eyes still bloodshot. "No, we just got back from being at Walmart? Where we were almost attacked by guys?" I shook my head, not agreeing with her. "Yeah, right... if you say so." I reluctantly agreed, beginning to wonder what it was I just saw. unexpectedly, Josie grabbed my arm and started looking around my wrist. I snatched away from her to see what she was looking at. It was a star... the same one she had. "What the hell is going on?"

4 weeks later

I went upstairs and grabbed a backpack from my closet. I started to grab any type of first aid stuff that I could think of, and my walkie talkie just in case something happened and I needed help. I made my way back downstairs and started to head out the house. I continued down the street and stopped walking when I saw a truck pull up beside me. I backed away and hid away from the sidewalk so they wouldn't see me. No one in Albany had a vehicle... well, besides Logan, of course. The people that lived in Troy were smarter than us when it came to them. They were the first to figure out how to make them run without having the proper electricity, and to even be allowed to have one, you had to really prove to Logan that you were capable of that. They pulled up right beside me, slowly inching to a halt. I stepped back even more, wondering when I should make a break for it. "Come on out, Yesenia. I already saw you." It was Luke? I quickly walked over to him. "Get out of here! You know if anyone sees you, all they're going to do is report back to Logan, and then it's coming right back onto me." I started to walk away but he grabbed my hand. "Wait! Just, hear me out okay?" I snatched my hand away from him, not ready to hear the onslaught when this reaches Logan. "No! I can't trust you, and for all I know, I can't trust any of the men in this stupid city." I continued to walk away from him, hoping he'll let up. "But... it's about the map." I turned around to face him, seeing a slightly smug look on his face. "What about the map?" He came closer to me, and scanned the area before leaning close and saying in a hushed voice, "I know you saw the X appear."

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