1 (No Smut Yet heihihihii)

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When I was a kid I always used to take care of 7 boys and play with them because we were neighbors. my family wanted to move to another country and explore a new place, so we moved to Japan and I never saw them again.

now I'm 18 and have decided to go back to Korea and live there. I missed my homeland and really wanted to move back, my parents were very understanding and let me. I was not that sure that the 7 boys would stay where I lived but I still wanted to move back.

I moved into my old big house. It would feel a lot thinner to live there alone because the place was so big. My dad owns a large company and my family is really rich.

When I arrived, I saw the other big house opposite me. It was their house, I couldn't be sure they were still living there but the shine inside and the grass in the yard were cut so someone had to live there. I put in all the luggage and took a shower. It was late in the evening and most of the owners of the neighboring houses must already have gone to bed.

When I came out of the shower and checked out through my large window, I saw a lamp shining on the third floor of the house opposite. I couldn't stop thinking if my childhood friends were still living there. After a while I could finally get it out of my mind, I stopped thinking about it and made myself ready to sleep. I was going to greet the other house the next day and see if it was them.

Now when I think about it, they became really known while I was away. Everyone was talking about Bts here and Bts there. They must have been busy traveling all over the world than staying here all their life.

The next day when I woke up, I ate my breakfast and put on regular blue jeans and a white tank top with an open yellow shirt on.

I was going to go to a big shopping center and buy things I needed but when I was still out I was thinking about the other house. No one opened so I went in a taxi to the shopping center.

When I arrived, I noticed a lot of screams and gaps right outside, there were thousands of people standing there looking at something. I couldn't see what it was from my direction and went further.

I pushed myself through half of them, but then someone pushed me on the ground. I lost my mobile and got a big crack, someone happened to step on my hand so the whole mobile broke and my hand turned red, my jeans were broken and when I got up again everyone was on the way to go from there.

I went there and saw a large black table with lots of chairs behind. I ran to the table and saw several Bts posters. I heard a car start driving and then looked up. There was a big white bus with a Bts sign on.

Was it Bts?

Were they here just now ?!

I saw a face peering at me from the bus. I recognized his face .. and his hair was blue.


Did he recognize me thought?

No of course he didn't, it was years ago that I saw them and we were all so small. I don't even think I would have remembered their names if my friends weren't such big fans of them.

I went into the mall and then into a clothing store, my clothes were completely dirty now. My mobile was also completely cracked. Just as I was going into the clothing store, a hand grabbed my wrist.

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