A Mouthful Of Teeth With A Bad Attitude

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*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Jurassic Park Movies. Universal owns them, so all the rights go to them.*

A large foot was brought down onto the ground. This foot has three sharp and pointy claws. The owner of this foot comes out of the underbrush, it's green scales slowly turning back to it's reddish orange and black colour. This theropod, was Carnotaurus. He was looking for some food, until he happened upon a place that was previously a construction site. The abelisaur walked around, until it happened upon a weird machine. It had a sign above it, saying 'WARNING: DANGEROUS CARNIVORE'. He looked at it with curiousity, when a large, ear piercing roar arose. The Carnotaurus instantly ran back to the bushes, camouflaging in with the undergrowth. Up from a hill arose a Carcharodontosaurus, the same one from the first time we have came here. The large carnivore roared once more, looking around. While the Carcharodontosaurus could easily kill the smaller carnivore, the Carnotaurus was hungry enough to take that risk. He rushed the Carcharodontosaurus, biting at it's legs before running back to the bushes. The large carnivore roared, charging at the abelisaur, but couldn't find him, thanks to the Carnotaurus's camoflauge. The smaller carnivore kept on using it's strategy, being able to tear of the larger carnivore's arms and tail off, until, *SNAP* the carcharodontosaurus's jaws came smashing down on the abelisaur's neck, delivering serious damage. The Carnotaurus roared in pain, but then, he saw a nearby ditch! The clever Carnotaurus mustered the strength to push the Carcharodontosaurus into the ditch! The large dinosaur roared in anger as the Carnotaurus ate the fallen arms and tail before walking away, leaving the Carcharodontosaurus in the ditch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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