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"Come on Daniel you can do this." The blue eyed boy said to himself in the mirror. He stared into his own eyes and he slipped his vest over his sweatshirt.

"Daniel hurry up the boss won't wait much longer." He heard Jack yell from his living room. The boy takes another deep breath before reaching into his dresser drawer and taking out the pistol and stuffing it into his belt loop. He covers it up with his sweatshirt then shakes off his nerves. He walks out to his living room to see the curly headed boy he had grown accustomed to. He was known as the killjoy of the group. Always got in the most trouble, always smokes always drinks. He just didn't care about anything. He didn't care about when he was going to die. Always said just gives him more of an excuse to live. He's killed multiple people but got off with nothing more than a few years for saying it was self defense. His first ever kill was his step dad at age thirteen and from then his life just went downhill. A shorter boy walked in from the kitchen. He was wearing an identical vest to Daniel and Jack. He was known as Zachary. Or better yet just Zach. He was known as the sharpshooter of the group. He knew his way around the town and a gun. He was often the getaway driver for missions like the one they were about to go on. He was punk and had tattooed sleeves all up and down his arms. His outfits usually consisted of nothing but black. He too had killed multiple people with the same excuse as Jack. Daniel however had never killed a man in his life. He was new to the gang and today was the first time he was trusted to go on a mission. He could not  mess this up. Zach flips his sunglasses down and takes a bite out of the sandwich he made.

"Is the princess finally ready?" He asks with a sly smirk. Daniel grunts at him.

"Shut up I'm not a princess." He shoots the younger boy a dirty look which is met with another cheeky grin.

"Admit it the only reason your even in this is cuz your fuckin the boss." He says taking yet another bite of his sandwich. Daniel glares at the seventeen year old.

"Shut the fuck up because that is NOT the only reason I'm in this gang." Daniel yells at him. He does nothing more but let out a soft chuckle and walk out of the apartment. Jack gives Daniel a sympathetic look before also walking out. The blue eyed boy rolls his eyes at his gang members and followed them out of the apartment.The cold city air hit his face and he shivered slightly before following his friends to the black jeep in front of his home. The seventeen year old slips his skinny body into the drivers seat and the other two jump in the back.

"Okay so sniper is going to meet us there. He just texted me the address." Jack says to Zach. The teen looks at the phone before putting it up to follow the directions sniper had given them. Zach starts the car and pulls out of the spot in which it was parked. Daniel gulps. There was no turning back now. Daniel's walkie turned on and he could soon hear the voice of his boss.

"Guys switch to the walkies."

Everyone takes out their walkies and turns them on to the static. We check the walkies to make sure everything was working.

"Good reach me when you're here and make sure you stay off the main roads." 

And with that he was gone, leaving the car in an uneasy silence. Daniel sighed and leaned back. He looks out the window, trying to shake his nerves off of himself.

Soon enough they were entering the back roads which was mostly woods. Zach turned off the headlights and they all exit the car. Daniel looks up at the abandoned warehouse in front of him. He gulped as he was handed an assault rifle. Jack too grabbed one out of the back. He whistles.

"Damn the boss really knows how to pick out guns." He says. The group hears a rustling from the bushes. Jack looks over to Zach and the cocks his gun, pointing it torward the noise. Zach points the crossbow he pulled out to the noise. Daniel could feel his heartbeat all throughout his body. He felt himself start to sweat although it was only 40 degrees outside. His hands started to shake and he closed his eyes and cocked his gun. He pointed to the bushes, his hands shaking wild. The rustling stopped and he opened his eyes slightly to see none other than Jonah Marais looking at him. He had a huge smirk on his face and he was wearing his signature leather jacket with  a roaring snow Leopard on the back. Identical to the ones on the rest of their backs. Jonah looks over at Daniel but for the first time he doesn't smile. He seems to be worried and his cheeks all red as if he had been running.

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