Day 1 in the vlog house

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(David POV)

Today the new girl is moving in, i honestly dont care all i need is my camera and gum and tesla. I was sitting on the couch editing my video and i hear Kristian and the new girl come in I dont even bother to look, i was too busy editing, i hear everyone welcoming her and asking questions then Kristian asked me to say hi

D: Hi...

K: Really David!

D: What?

K: Dick...

D: I honestly dont care about the new girl 

(Liza POV)

I didnt really care for him either

(Time lapse to 8:00am)

I wake up to Davids stupid laugh then i walk out of the room and see David blindfolding Zane


D: Look, 2 Tarantulas!


Zane kills the spiders with books and runs outside

And then David and Jason notice me

J: Who's this??...David?

D: NO! im not fucking her. im a virgin, its our new house mate

J: Wait! thats Liza koshy!

L: Yup! Thats me, Almost 17 million subscribers!

D: K liza, dont need to brag *rolls eyes*

I go to the bathroom and take a shower and i notice there was only boy shampoo

L: Hey kristen!

K: Yeah!

I walk out (with clothes still on)

L: Where is all the girl shampoo?

K: Dont have any. All the girls just use the mens

L: Well im gonna go get some

K: K,bye Liza

I walk out into the living room and there were a lot more people

Z: Oh! hey Liza

S: Hey


L: *laughs* Hi

L: Im going to target anyone need anything, my treat?

Z: Actually David needed something...Dave how about you go with her *wink* *Wink*

D: Shut up Zane. I have my own car!

D: would be faster

L: Ok, lets go

Me and David get into the car and he Just looks out the window and decide to break the silence

L: So?...Why do you hate me?

D: I dont fucking know...I just do

L: Whatever Dobitch

We arrive at target and David splits up and before he goes he gives me his number to meet up in the store so nobody gets left behind. I had a boyfriend his name was Nate and i never told anyone about my past with him...Me and David Buy our stuff and leave and of course i got starbucks before we left. We get home and everyone is sitting around on there phones, i sit on the couch and Heath asks everyone...

H: Are y'all ready for the party tonight

(G,K,S,T,H,Z,J): YEAH!!!

S: Hey maybe Davie will lose his V-card tonight!

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