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(David POV)

its been a few months since Liza and Scotty got engaged and they're getting married in 2 days

I...I think I might like Liza but...she's with Scott. I was on the couch editing my video for Mondays vlog until Liza burst through the door and shouts...


D: What?!


D: He is visiting his Family...why?

Liza starts crying

L: oh! David! *cries*

she wraps her arms around my neck and cries into the space between my neck and shoulder

D: Whats wrong?

L: I...

She looks up at my and doesn't do anything. she gets up and walks away while saying...

L: N-Never mind...

(Liza POV)

I don't know if im ready for marriage but I love scotty. I take a nap to get things off my mind and I slept through the whole night but...I woke up a little earlier than everyone else but starbucks was open so I decided to go there especially the morning of my wedding day and on my way back from starbucks I just remembered I needed to pick up my dress from the place I got it from. I pull up to the building and I ask the women about it and she goes into a closet and takes it out. I grab It, I already paid for it, I decided to try it on again and it was a beautiful white dress

 I grab It, I already paid for it, I decided to try it on again and it was a beautiful white dress

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After trying it on I packaged it back up and left to go home. I walk through the doors and Scotty must have already left to go get ready at the reception. I step into the house and I see David, Zane, and Gabbie

L: Hey guys!

G: AHHH! Theres the wedding girl!

D: yeah...

Z: Whats on your mind Dave?

D: I'll tell you later...

Z: No, Just tell me outside

D: Ok

(David POV) 

I walk outside with Zane and we stand there.

D: Ok so...

Z: Yes?

D: I...Like Liza...maybe even love her


D: Yeah...

D: Can you keep this secret? 

Z: Yes

D: Pinkie swear?

Z: What are we, Five?

D: Fine...Dead ass?

Z: *chuckle* Dead ass

Me and Zane walk back inside...

(Liza POV)

Me and Gabbie Decided to go shopping before we go to the reception

G: excited?

L: Well...yeah but...

G: Oh god...What is it now?

L: I think I might like David FOR REAL this time...


L: I know...I know

We pull up to the building and Scotty was in front with his dog Link, he see's me and kisses me better than he ever had before

L: MM! 

I pull away


He smiles at me 

L: aw...I love you

S: I love you to

L: Where did you learn to kiss like that?

S: Oh, From a friend

L: Oh...

We walk inside holding hands. I get ready and I look at myself in the mirror and then I see my dad in the mirror and...We lock arms and walk outside at the beginning of the carpet. My father gives me to Scotty and we do the vows and stuff then we decide if we want to be married by saying "I do"


P: Scotty sire. do you take Elizabeth Koshy to be your wife?

S: I do.

P: And Elizabeth Koshy. Do you take Scotty Sire to be your Husband 

L: I...

Everyone looked at me

L: I cant do this!

I run off and before I left I took off my dress and I got in my car and left but then before I left David Says

D: Come on! get in my car!

I run to David's car and we drive off

D: Why are you running?

L: Because I don't love scotty...

D: Then who?

I speak really quietly

L: You

D: What?

L: N-Nobody 

We drive to the airport

L: Um...David why are we here?

D: We're going to Hawaii...

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