Chapter one: Is He Dangerous??

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"Where are you going?" my mum questioned suddenly, so I guess now she cares if I leave. "If you must know I'm going for a walk to the corner store to get something," I explained to her in a sarcastic tone. "You can't just walk around at this time it's not safe," mum scolded me, however, it sounded more like a complaint in my opinion. "Look if those gang members or mafia members, what are they called again, BIGBANG? come to get me, then don't you think that they would have shown up by now?" I challenged her rudely. "Yes I know Y/N but that still means they could hurt you. Look your father had made a deal with one of them and now that person wants you that way your fathers deal can be paid off and I don't particularly want you to be hurt no matter how much we may fight, you're still my daughter after all!" mum yelled at me, I guess she's angry now. I should probably believe her, but he has not come to get me yet, then again, I do not even know what he looks like yet, as I have never obviously met him. The only thing I know about this mafia group is; the main members in the mafia are the leader Kwon Jiyong, who is most commonly known as G-Dragon or GD to the public, the next member is Dong Youngbae or Taeyang as the public call him, he is the second in command. The third member of this mafia is Choi Seunghyun or as the common public call him T.O.P, this man is the one that everyone seems to be scared of. The fourth member is by far the scariest and the only member to allow the public to use his legal name, Kang Daesung, he is known for capturing victims in some of the worst ways, no one ever gets away from him. Now the fifth and final member of this mafia is Lee Seunghyun or Seungri for short, he is the weaponist and probably one of the most known members. The mafia goes by the name of BIGBANG and I learned the above facts from my father before he went missing after allegedly visiting Jiyong.

See my dad refused to pay the money that he had owed Jiyong after he made a deal with the mafia leader. From what had been heard from people on the streets, Jiyong is an extremely strict man, so therefore, he had made an agreement with my father that if the money was not paid back before a certain time and day, that he would come and collect me as payment. My father did not like the fact that Jiyong wanted to use me as his payment, so my father explained to my mother and I that he was going to talk it out and make another deal with Jiyong. Since that day I have not seen my father again. Jiyong however, wants me to be the legal age of 18 before he collects his payment, he gave the explanation of he does not 'force' or 'harm' minors. Due to this, my mother is scared that it could be any day, minute, or, second, it could also be in a day's time, a week's time, a month's time, or even a year's time. However, I have just turned 18 years old and it literally could be any time now.

Me being me, instead of listening to my mother, I went out to the corner store, because I wanted to grab something to eat, as I am obviously hungry. I casually grabbed my keys from my bedside cupboard along with my purse and started my walk to the small shop at the corner of our street. This store sells the best pies, and I desperately want one right now.  

During my walk to the corner store, I had the feeling that someone was following me, although every time I looked behind me, there was no one in sight. I continued my walk to the store, instead of being careless like this morning, I was more cautious in my surroundings. Although that all left my brain once I had arrived at my destination of the corner store, I became extremely excited and walked at a pace that would have been a sprint if I was running. My reasoning for this is, I am heading straight towards the sections that read 'PIES' because this store sells the warmest and the best-tasting pies here. I grabbed a potato pie (some people call it Sheppard's Pie) and a plain beef pie. These pies are actually the best.

The next thing I did after claiming my pies was walk to the checkout server. I was stopped. I bumped into a gorgeous young man with bright red hair, and he is so handsome and beautiful. I learned this by my obvious starstruck stare.  Five minutes after staring at this man I finally realized that I had spaced out and was looking at him because of his handsomeness. This man really knows how to dress, his style is something that everyday people in this town want to dress like, I really need to find out where he shops for his clothing styles. 

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