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He felt as if he was sleeping for years. He could feel the rough surface touching his back and the murmurs and steps ringing on his ears. But he can't seem to open his eyes and move.

He could feel the cold on his skin. The only thing that made his feeling became more curious was how he existed for so long without any glass breaking, nasty words, and painful tortures.

And how he heard a trumpet being plaid in a couple of seconds. Why would there be a trumpet?

That's when he finally woke up.

His eyes lidded as he rubbed them to adjust his vision. His surrounding was dusty from his sudden movements. All he could see was the dirt, rubles and those long narrow trenches and holes, dividing the lands and the people who seem to walk, falling in a linear direction.

"Where am I?" He asked himself. He knew he'd be in hell and he'd expected to see the blazing fires eating the lands and seeing souls burn just like what that demon told him. But no, he's feeling nothing but the cold air.

He breathed as he stood upon his bare feet, like the feeling that he could breathe nothing but silence. His scars and bruises are no longer planted in his pale skin. He could no longer feel the excruciating pain that he had been experiencing every day for the rest of his life.

"Excuse me, fall in line please." He averted his gaze from where the voice came from. And he was surprised to see a man with wings.

"Am I already in hell?" He asked. His eyes followed the gaze of the man.

"No. You're in purgatory." The winged man spoke and smiled at him.

"I can easily determine good souls from the bad ones. And I could tell that you're going to heaven with us. So please fall in line and wait for your turn." The man with wings exclaimed before flying into the other part of the longest line that Baekhyun had ever seen in his entire life.

"But I'm supposed to.." He no longer completes his sentence as he sighed when the winged man already flew far away towards a small girl as confused as he was.

He had no choice but to fall in line with the other people who seemed quiet. He could see the ones who are clueless, the others are seemingly confident and the ones who are quite nervous and panicking.

He walked a long line before he reached the end. He witnessed how the woman in front of him a while ago walked from the golden stairs which are located on the right side. However, his eyes gaze on the left side, he could tell that it's the gate of hell they're talking about as he glances to the seemingly large dark pit hole that emits lights from what he thought was from the fires. He could also hear the begging of the souls for help.

He could see crowds of people pushing away through the edges of the pit hole as ugly creatures with horns push them in the hole. Maybe they're the bad ones.

He feels bad to sell his soul to a demon and suffers in hell but he had no choice anymore. The contract is already been made. The weird thing was that he doesn't feel any regression at all because he much prefers feeling the pain in a reasonable place than living on earth with the monsters of his life.

"Name?" Baekhyun almost jumps when he heard the voice in front of him. He saw a creature with the velvety voice of a girl dressed in a gray gown with a head of what seemed to be like a hammerhead shark. Its face focused on him as it waited for him to answer.

"Uhh... I'm Baekhyun." He mumbled as he tried not to look at the tall creature. He just fumbled on his hands and did what he usually does. Bow his head and face the ground.

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