Looking for a New Love

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Yes, after two heartbreaks caused by the Wrong Girls I chose - I'm Ready for a New Love again ( hoping that This one Will be Luckier for me ).

And this time I have some Conditions for a Slappy Girlfriend Candidate ( if anyone interested ) 

1. She can't be depressed - no self harm, no talking about death or rape fantasies etc ( after painfully discovering that My two ex loves were like that - I don't want to go through that Hell again )

- My Next Love must be Sane! 

( but would a sane girl fall in love with a Dummy?... - Well, I hope so ) 

2. She should be a Human

( sounds obvious? - Maybe, but I'm a Ventriloquist dummy )

3. She can't be overdramatic 

( cause it's Pathetic & tiresome ) 

4. She doesn't have to be a Real Ventriloquist - may be a beginner one in our story 

5. She should be 16 - 23 years old 

( no, can't be any younger, kids! ) 

6. She doesn't have to know Goosebumps cause this RP won't be scary 

7. But she should Like Ventriloquist Dummies - & want to have one ( Me )

8. And she should be quite active online 

( I'm not saying 'Everyday' - but at least 1 message exchange a Week is a Must to let Our Story go Well - if she manages more often - that's Even Better! :) )

What will I give her for that?

- if She meets My Expectations - I will love her back, we will be Writing a Beautiful Story that will make us both feel Happy & Loved 

- I will behave like a Gentleman ( I look like one anyway, don't I?  ^_~ )

- I will be supporting her, helping her

- & I will be Nice to All of Her Friends 

- only Her Enemies may experience some 'unexpected pranks' ( but noone will get hurt ) 

So Any Girls interested? 

- Write 'Me' in comments if You Are 

( And I will check Your Accounts & Choose the 'best' one ) 💖

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