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Dear Diary,

Hi, diary! It's been a week since I've been exposed to Felicia's bloodline party, and I have something to tell you. I've got a crush on my new Math teacher-- Loriel. She has this soft and mellow voice that always booms my cells out.

She always looks at me...so I hereby concluded that maybe she likes me? Is she perhaps interested in me, then? We'll never know.

It was already 7:12 pm and it's raining outside. I told her I don't have any friends to join me with. So, in the end, she apprised me to accompany her from the time being.

As we arrived, I immediately smelled her place, and told her that it was pretty sensuous and seductive. She just laughed and told me that it was because I am just too overexposed to erotic movies. But, diary!

Ms. Loriel had told me to wait, as she brews a cup of coffee for this rainy night. Diary, seeing her from tbe back is like seeing another mouthwatering dish.

I remember Vienna. But, Ms. Loriel is far more sexier than her, haha. I don't know what happened next. I just saw that she went inside the bathroom to take a shower. As I can hear tiny drops of water from the inside, each of my desire to lurk her went high, as if the coffee I tasted feels like a weed.

Suddenly, my urge to see her went too much uncontrolled. "I wanna be with you forever..." I thought. As if everything had gone through a fast pace, the door from where I was waiting was smashed.

"AAHH--" Just before she could scream for more, I already stabbed her tiny mouth. Too bad, diary. She can't call for help...nor scream loudly whatever she wants.

I had finally pressed my toungue against
her face as I went on top. It was so smooth and moist, diary, and I liked it. She's still conscious, but it's too late, missy. I already drowned her naked body on a pool of blood.

Ps, Never shower with a stranger at night.

Pps, I did this so she could finally rest. HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!

yours truly,

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