Chapter Three- I get a Quest

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Now, if I was smart I would lay a finger on Mark. He is a strong built 13 year old, who could pass as 17. He turned around and threw an opened carton of milk on a girl laughing at him behind.

"EW! I didn't throw ANYTHING at you!" She says, and throws a hotdog. She misses and hits John, another kid at my table. And then a food fight starts.

Food everywhere spaghetti and macaroni flying through the air. The 'Class of 2042' banner is covered with milk and pepperoni.

I run out as soon as possible to avoid getting a detention, you could say I'm a goody-two-shoes, but hey, who the one laughing while you're in detention?

Then something taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and see nothing until a see a boy taking off a New York Yankee's hat. It's Henri again, why won't this guy give me a break?

"What do you want now? I told you I'm not going to steal for you!" I say

"We need you to come with us to New York, we want your help to save a princess" say Henri

I burst out laughing, a princess in New York? Yeah, right!

"What's her name," I say "Repunzel?" I smirk

"No her name is Hermione," says Henri "Daughter of Helen princess of Troy"

"Isn't Hermione from Harry Potter?"

"No, Hermione was a the Daughter of Helen and Menolos," he said "J.K Rowling got her name from the Shakespearean play 'Winters Tale'."

"Why do you know that?" I say

"My mom like to teach me stuff" Says Henri. Then Tori nudges him,

"Oh yes, we must get going; you will be coming" He says

"Ok, I'll go, but I need to stop at home first; I assume you already know where I live..." I say

Henri and Tori blush and then we head to my house until we get interrupted by a monster..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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