Wizard High (Fluff)

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"So Nagisa, what high school did you end up going to?" I spit out my drink as Nakamura asks that question. "I think you got more schools asking for you than even Karma!" She adds, making me feel uncomfortable at the subject.

"I... should really get home." I say before grabbing my bag and running off, down the mountain.

As I get to my dorm in my high school, I lean against the door and look up to the ceiling.

The walls of my dorm are painted blue with light pink cherry blossom petals painted around the walls in magical patterns. My bed sits in the middle of the far wall, with two small cherry blossom strees at each side of the foot of the bed. I have a wooden floor with a white carpet in the center and cherry blossom petals littering the floor in beautiful patterns.

My vanity is white with a silver mirror over it and all of my hair, skin, and makeup products lying on it in an organized manner on the wall to the left with a painting of an ancient witch using a spell against a demon, sealing it underground.

My dresser is to the right of me with the door and it has a pot of flowers with mini fairies looking after it. The two of them take my jacket off of me and put it on the coat hanger in the corner of the room to my left, which my backpack, bookshelf, and magic textbooks are.

One of them turns bigger and the other continues to take care of the flower. "Nagisa, you look stressed, maybe you should stay here tomorrow and cancel on your red haired friend. He'd understand." She takes my bag and picks me up, placing me on bed and tucking me in.

"I guess so. I'm just worried what they'll think of me if they knew I was a wizard. Thank you for everything, by the way. You've been taking care of me ever since I joined Wizard high." (Bland name, I know.) She cups my cheek and smiles at me.

"That's my job. I'll turn on some music and prepare some tea for when you wake up, I'll have Kanako message your friend, Karma, right?" I nod with a small smile.

"Thank you, again, Ayato." She smiles again.


I wake up to see Karma staring intently at me. I jump up and he raises an eyebrow. "Why didn't you tell me you were a wizard, Nagisa?"

"H... how did you...?" I snap my head to a giggling Kanako and Ayato.

"We saw your messages and they were too cute not to try to hook you two up!" Kanako says with a giggle as a vein pops out of my neck. She turns back into a fairy and starts tending to the cherry blossoms as Ayato smiles at me.

"Answer the question." He moves to the side of the bed and sits down next to me, moving my untamed hair out of the way and behind my ear.

"I was scared you wouldn't see me the same..." I reply simply and he raises an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding?! My best friend can use magjc, something barely anyone even believes in! I'd say you have the best talent in the world." He says softly and continues to cup my cheek and rub his thumb against my puffy cheek.

"You really think so...?" He smirks and presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I know so. Now, why don't you tell me what's been going on in your corner of the world? Seeing how different our worlds probably are." I smile softly and take off my shirt for him to see my many scars.

Being a wizard isn't as glamorous as it seems. I get a new scar every day, but I do save people from demons and from the dark magic. I save people every day, and I love doing what I do. It gets stressful and frustrating when I don't see any improvement, but I'm then reminded that it only means that I have to work harder. I will someday be the best wizard in the world, just as my ancestor, Irene, was...
With Karma by my side, I'll accomplish everything I've ever dreamed of, and I'll finally be able to protect him as well. It's a slow process, but I want to be more than a friend.... I want to be his lover.

Hope you enjoyed my first ever oneshot! It's shorter than I thought it was when I was writing it.😅

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