Letting go (very slight angst(?) and fluff)

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Hey guys! Just so you know, I'm trying to work on a scenario where Nagisa is top in smut, but I can't seem to think of any. So please give me ideas! Anyways, enjoy!



I fell in love with Karma in first year, but I always knew someone like me could never win over his heart, so I never even tried. Even so, it hurts to see him all lovey dovey with his girlfriend, Okuda.

As usual, I'm sitting alone as I do my work when Nakamura places a hand on mine. She goes next to my ear as she whispers.

"I'm so sorry, I know you like him..." I shrug it off.

"I guess it's partly my fault for not getting it off my chest sooner, but I never really make a big deal over things like these. It's not like he'd accept, I'm still battling depression and anxiety, so I have to figure out all of my personal problems first." I say sadly.

"But wouldn't it help to have someone by your side to battle it with you?" I shake my head.

"Not exactly, it makes me feel bad when I dump my own problems onto someone else." I laugh nervously as she frowns at me, but I continue to work like nothing happened.

"Hey, Nagisa!" I hear someone yell for me, turning around to see Karma and Okuda. They run up to me and Karma starts. "What were you talking about with Nakamura? It looked serious?" I roll my eyes.

"Nothing you should worry about." I turn back around, but he grabs my wrist.

"Hah?! I thought we were best friends! Why can't-" I almost choke on my words, but I somehow manage to interrupt him.

"Yes, we were best friends. I don't think best friends just ignore and abandon each other." I take my hand back and walk away without a second glance back.

Nakamura runs up to me and starts walking with me. "Was I too harsh?" She shakes her head.

"No, once he started dating Okuda he stopped talking to you as a whole. He's gotta choose whether to stay with his best friend or his girlfriend." I sigh.

"He already did choose, he just didn't know the consequences." She nods and rubs my back.

Nakamura and I end up hanging at my house and playing video games for most of the night until we both fall asleep. I'm now walking her to her house to grab a clean uniform before heading off to school.

"I'll just be a second." I nod.

"I'll be waiting out here, then." She nods with a smile.

"Also, you'd make a terrific boyfriend if given the chance, you're kind, generous, loving, and selfless. Just know that there are more fish in the sea." She winks at me, making me smile.

"Yeah, thank you." She hums before heading inside.

"Are you two dating or something?" I turn around to see Karma standing there with a stoic expression on his face.

"No, she's just helping me through some stuff." He nods.

"Look, I slept on it and... I realize what a terrible friend I was... and still am. I just want to say sorry." I look away.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too. I was mad yesterday and I took it out on you, I shouldn't have said anything, it puts pressure on you... so I'm sorry." He furrows his eyebrows.

"So you still think it... even if you shouldn't have said it?" I nod.

"Yes, and I'm sorry. I put too much pressure on you, can you forgive me?" I bow, but he clenches his fists and pulls me back up by my hair.

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