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"I pull off the road

East of Baldock and Ashford

Feeling for my cell

In the light from the dash board

Hissing from the road

The smell of rain in the air con

Maybe check the news

Or just put a tape on "

I stopped singing, i stopped scrolling, i stopped everything that i was doing.

[knock knock knock]

The knocks turned into bangs and the talking turned into shouts. I was scared for the safety of my well being. I took a peek out of the window to my right. The cops? Why would they be knocking, more like pounding at my door. I walked over and politely opened the door.

"Hello officers what do i have the pleasure to seeing you fellas on the beautiful day?" i said with a cheesy smile spread across my face.

"Mr. Curelli?" the officer said in a deep tone. I confirmed that I indeed am Mr. Curelli.

"May we come in? We have some fairly tragic news to discuss." the man said

"Of course." i lead the two men into my home and into the living room.

"Please sit down." i said gesturing to the couch across from me.

"Right of course, thank you." The man said and sat down. "Well as you know Mr. and Mrs. Kuza are dead." he stated

"Yes i do." i said getting more nervous now.

"Well see, we don't think that their death was just a car accident." the other officer spoke up.

"So your saying that someone murdered them?!" i said

"Yes,sir. We don't have complete proof but we do have a few leads that would have us believe that it was staged and or a planned out murder." The deep voice officer said to me.

I was in shock. I didn't want to believe that something so tragic could have been murder and not an accident.

"So now we have suspicion that you or the kids could be in danger." the other cop with blonde hair said.

"When you say kids who are you talking about?" i asked

"Jayden Curelli, Christopher Curelli, Michael Kuza, Cara Crawford and Michael Orlando... is there any other people that may be in danger or be helping the person doing the harming?" the deep voiced officer asked

"Chris is in a band. They may be targets as well." i told them

"Okay we'll need their names as well."

"Ricky Olson, Ryan Sitkowski, Devin Sola, Josh Balz, and Vinny... umm not to sure about his last name let me look it up?" i said taking my phone out when i remember 3 other people.

"Well i know that Cara is dating someone named Vic Fuentes. And Kuza's ex's name is Megan Woznicki and Jayden's ex is Oliver Sykes. if that means anything to you. And it's Vinny Mauro" i told them

"Thank you we really appreciate it." the blonde said

"Thank you. umm so im in danger?" i asked

"Maybe. Were going to be taking you to a safe house so grab a few things and come out to the car when your done." the deep voiced one said.

I went over to my room grabbed my stuff and headed out to the car. Oh i hope the kids are alright.

}}this is officially the end. I just wanted to add this one part in before i start on the second(: i hope i don't get you too mad... Again(; {{ btw that is a real song at the beginning ***no copy write intended***

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