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Thus story will be told in Tim's perspective unless said otherwise, sorry in advance for any Grammer mistakes I am currently on my Tablet. :(
Connected to my: Ej x Jeff, Helen x reader,  and Hoodie x reader.

  I sigh in frustration as I look down at my new mission paper, of course Toby has to be my partner. Why wouldn't he be?

  I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen where Toby is currently stuffing his face with waffles. I push my mask up as I walk towards him with a small playful smirk.

  Stuffing the paper into my jacket pocket I sit across from him and take his fork away, eating the current waffle piece on it with a blank face.

   "Really Masky...." Toby whines and tries to take his fork back while I wave it side to side teasingly.

  "We have a mission Rodgers. I suggest packing your bags, we'll be gone for a few months... or longer." I mumble, remembering what the paper said.

  He throws his head back while making a whining sound. "Do I got tooo. Why don't you take Brian."

  I pull out the crumpled paper and throw it at him, he catches it and reads it with a frown. "Fiiiine, I'll go pack now." He whines, picks up his mouth gaurd and leaves.

  I follow him to our shared room, of course Brian stays here too, and we begin to throw random clothes into our separate duffle bags.

  As Toby was zipping his up,  one of his ticks make his arm jerk and mess up his zipper. "Tim." He mutters. "Can you help me?"

  I look over at him and sigh. "Yeah, im coming." I finish zipping up my bag, then I walk over and zip his up too.

  "Let's go." I order, grapping both of our bags and walk to our garage. "What car should we take?" I ask, halfway to myself halfway to Toby.

  We both look over and the six cars and trucks, ranging from very expensive to cheap as hell.

  "Well," Toby says walking to a silver ford Truck. "This one has good gas mileage and should fit right in with the few dents and scratches on it."

  I begin to wonder why, but then remembered Jeff wrecked it when he was escaping some police or something like that. "Sounds good to me." I shrug.

  I toss the bags into the bed of the truck and head to driver side while Toby hops in passenger seat while pressing the garage door button on the remote slenderman put in every car for the garage door.

  I pull out my carton of cigarettes and take one out. "Want one?" I offer and Toby looks at me in disgust while shaking his head no.

  I shrug and take of my mask and set in the door pocket. I notice Toby staring at me out of the corners of my eye but shrug it off and begin to drive.

  Few hours later

  "So what exactly are we doing agian." Toby asks in a whiney voice and I sigh for the thousandth time and begin to look for a motel.

  "We have to go to Canada and kill some lady who saw Ben. Then await orders since Slenderman wants us to stay up there until further notice." I reply and my head begins to pound but I ignore it and grip the steering wheel tighter. I forgot the pills...

  Toby groans and a motel spots my eye.

  I lean over Toby and open the glove box and pull out one of the many wallets we all store in there after a kill. Slender even jinxed a few of them or something so that it replinishes after a few days.

  "Stay here." I order, fear grows in Toby's eyes but he nods. I sigh and run my fingers through his hair softly. "Don't worry Tobes I'm not leaving you forever, I'll be right back."

  He nods his head once more and I walk into the loby and up to the front desk.

  "Hello sir, how may I help you. " I blond chic asks, sending me a flirty smile and squeezing her arms together to make her boobs look bigger.

  "I need a room." I huff, agrivated at the attempt.

  "How many beds sir, or you could just use mine." She flirts while winking and I hold back a growl. She's going to have to die.

  "What you got."

  "Oh um." She sighs and looks down at the screen. "We only have one-bed rooms right now." She sends me a fake apologetic smile.

  "It's fine 'cause that's all I need." I lie an she nods her head.

  "How many people?" She questions in a bored tone, obviously tired of trying to flirt.
  "Just me." I lie again.

  "Alright that will be One Hundred- Thirteen dollars a night."

  I nod my head an give her a hundred dollar bill and a twenty, while saying 'keep the change.' And heading back out to toby.

   "Alright Rodgers," I say while opening the door and he seems to sigh in relief as I do. "We have a room on the top floor, but we are sharing a bed." I reply bluntly and he nods his head quickly.

  After parking we grab out bags and begin to climb the stairs to our room.

  "I lied to them." I confess to Toby, but I don't really know why. "I told them I was alone."

  "Okay...?" He says while raising an eyebrow. "Why?"

  "it's cheaper," I respond as I try to unlock the door with a key card, but get frustrated with it. I begin to just pry the door open. "They charge an exra fifty for every person."

  "That's stupid...?" Toby replies almost as if he was concerned and snatches the card away from me and opens the door.

  We walk in and I immediately kick my combat boots off and remove my tan jacket and throw it over a chair.

  "I need to piss." Toby states an walks to the bathroom.

  I search throw my bag and pull out a pair of sweatpants and exchange them for my jeans.

  I sit on the bed with a sigh and rest my head in the palms of my hands.

  I felt someone wrap an arm around my shoulders and I look up at them. Toby.

  "Let's get the bed, I'd say it's really late but since it's two am that'd make it really early." He jokes and I smile at his innocence and nod my head.

  We both lay down and are out like lights in the night..

♥ *Annoying* Masky X Toby ♥Where stories live. Discover now