Chapter 1

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 The light from the rays of the sun shown in streaks throughout the small room. The figure sprawled out across the bed was slowly beginning to wake up, she let out a small groan as the light hit her eyelids. "HEY ELIZABETH, GET OUT HERE AND START YOUR CHORES! YOU DONT WANT TO GET INTROUBLE AGAIN DO YOU?a soft yet concerning voice came from the hallway. Elizabeth's eyes snapped open, she was momentarily blinded from the sunlight, but once her bright hazel eyes adjusted to the room, she could finally look at the clock next to her bed. "Oh shit!" Elizabeth said under her breath as the clock read 900am, if the head Sister found out that she was late again, she just might get thrown out of the clergy before she even got a chance to settle in. Elizabeth scrambled out of the bed and tried her best to make herself look presentable in the hopes that no one would notice she was running behind. Before she walked out of her room, she took a quick glance in the mirror, she smoothed out the semi short black dress that all the potential Sisters on Sin where given during there time studying. Elizabeth cocked her head to side, "Stockings or no stockings" she thought to herself but when she looked back at the clock, she remembered that she didn't have any time to be indecisive. She piled her long black hair up on her head and stuck a few pins on either side to keep it in place as she put on her low-heeled pumps and rushed out the door.

"Well well well, look who decided to show up." A small voice from behind her said. Becca, one of Elizabeth's only friends in the clergy nudged her arm while they both grabbed their cleaning buckets for the day. Elizabeth glanced over at Becca and looking through her dirty blond hair, was able to find her soft blue eyes. Elizabeth smiled and rolled her eyes, I'm sorry, I just don't see how cleaning up this gigantic place is going to help us become better Sisters." Both girls grabbed the cleaning supplies they needed for the day and headed off to the main living quarters on the property. "So, when do you think the Cardinal will finally come and visit our church for a change?" Becca asked excitingly, glancing over at Elizabeth eager for a good response. "Honestly, I'm not sure, I mean you know how it is, once the tour ends, they spend a few months at maybe one or two of their churches to catch up on things and then its back on the road." Elizabeth didn't want to get Becca's hopes up, but she saw how saddened she was by the reality of it. "But hey, you never know, I mean the last one that came here was Papa Emeritus II and that was a few years ago, so we may be due for another visit." Elizabeth smiled as Becca's eyes lit up at the thought of meeting the Cardinal and his faithful ghouls. Deep down  Elizabeth didn't care if she never even met the Cardinal, all she wanted was to be apart of something important, and she picked this church. She would never tell Becca, but she knew the Cardinal would never have time for such things as spending time with potential Sisters of Sin if he was to ever step foot on these grounds.

The first thing Becca and Elizabeth noticed when they approached the main living quarters, was how busy it was. Brothers and Sisters alike where hurrying in and out of the grandiose building, the strong smell of incense came pouring out of the door as Elizabeth walked inside. All both girls could hear in their ears was that the Cardinal and his Ghouls had chosen their church to visit and catch up on work after the tour. Becca grabbed Elizabeth's arm and squeezed tightly in her quick excitement at what she was hearing. One of the Head Sisters approached the girls and grabbed each ones hand, "Alright ladies, I'm sure you heard that the Cardinal and the Ghouls will be staying with us for a while, so with that being said, I need you to start getting rooms ready." She led the girls up two flights of stairs before approaching a wide long hallway holding at least five rooms. "Here is where one of you will start." she unlocked a room and opened the door, Becca quickly rushed inside and went straight to work. "It looks like you will be preparing the Cardinal's, Fire's and Aether's rooms upstairs." She reached in her pocket and pulled out a key, "This will open up all the rooms upstairs, I will come collect it from you shortly, so please don't lose it." Elizabeth grabbed the key from the Sister and smiled softly. Elizabeth turned around and proceeded up the last set of stairs to reach another hallway. However instead of five rooms, it only held three, three big rooms Elizabeth soon realized as she opened the first door. "How the hell am I going to clean all this by tonight." She muttered to herself as she slowly got to work. The rooms were very dusty she realized as she removed the white sheets that covered some of the furniture.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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