she is family.

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It was police.

"who it was? WHO?" The lieder said
He instantly looked at Jayden but then looked away.

"You can now release her? CPD alreddy knows." Matt frustrated said

"1. No 2. I can't understand, why do you want to protect her so bad? She is NOTHING to you. I don't care you are a firefighter and you just want to save her" the lieder said

Then Chief Boden instantly replied " because she is family."

Everyone in the room was shocked. Then what Jayden really was to Matt? No one really knew.

"Ahhhh family. nO" he said and started walking back and forth.

Eventully Sylvie got sick of waiting. She believed that if she went outside, then CPD could get in faster.

So Mouch and Herrmann coverd her up while she ran outside. She went out of the emergency exit and outside.

"You alright?" Matt looked at Jayden and asked

"Yes. You?" She replied

"Yea..." Matt whisperd

"I don't see a reason for you to just sit here. Your gang is young. They jave their whole life ahead. Go to police so the punishmet wouldn't be too harsh. Looking. Realizing you almost killed one of us." Chief said

"And this is gonna end your story, if you are gonna continue talking" the lieder in a angry voice said

" Hey? Anyone? Oh! ANTONIO!" Sylvie screamed

"Sylvie? From where you came from?" Antonio Dawson confused asked

"I got out but you gotta get in there quick. They shot Severide and it seems like he wants to shoot Jayden, too" Sylvie caching her breath said

Dawson came up to Sarge Voight and said " one victom shot and ther may be a another one. As Brett said they want to shoot Jayden Halstead."

"For what?" Voight confused asked

" if anyone is gonna talk or call someone he is gonna shoot her for no reason." Brett came up and said

"We can't come in brutally because he will start shooting then." Dawson said

"Brett. From where did you exactly escape?" Voight asked

"Emergency fire exit" She said

" then Dawson and Halstead is gonna come in those doors. With you lieding the way" Voight said


Hope you liked this part. Trust me, this isn't the end. This story is just starting..

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