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my blue sheets harbor
thoughts of you and
that's why sleep isn't
coming easy tonight.

drops of the ocean hit
my window frantically
and my mind wanders
all the way to your front door.

i pick up the telephone,
letting dial tones lull me
until you pick up and fuck,
i just want to drown in
these ocean sheets with you.

i'm cloaked in warmth
and your voice is my lifeboat
when i find myself stranded
in the middle of the sea alone

i sleep and swim with
you on my mind. and when
i wake in the middle of the night,
i wonder if you're waiting for
my headlights in your driveway.

i know i'm waiting to be
in your driveway; i'm just
hoping for the surface tension
to break.

for now it's me, the rain,
and these blue sheets,
but soon we'll be hopelessly
drowning in them together.

i still wait for you.Where stories live. Discover now