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Vixen watched in the background with her black hood covering up her face. She watched the the drug dealers converse. "Pink?" One of them questioned.

"The kids love it." Just as she was about to walk out the familiar swooshing filled her enhanced ears. Her teeth grit with annoyance so she took her chance to step out.

"The kids won't be needing that."

"Great it's one of them superheros." Vixen rolled her eyes at the swooshing sound.

"I'm only here for Tyler Hackett." Robin made a dramatic entrance.

"I am here for all of you. Leave the drugs. Leave the guns. And turn yourselves in."

"Where's Batman?"

"He could be anywhere, man. He's up there somewhere. Look up. Look up." They all looked around anxiously.

"Oh, where's the Bat! Where is he?"

"Hey. The little birdie's alone." That's when Robin and Vixen took their strike. Her hidden belt katana slicing someone's hand clean off. Guns were being shot at her but an orange aura covered her leaving her unscratched.

She saw Robin struggling seeing the man get away. She made two glances between the two. Vixen took a growl before stabbing the man in his leg and running after the car, Tyler was getting away in. She jumped on the hood pulling him out.

Vixen continuously hit him in the face leaving him a bloody pulp. She stood up letting Robin take his peace. "If you ever touch your kid again, I will find you." She moved to kick him but Robin's pointed look said otherwise. "Fuck Batman."

"That's right he's my bitch now." She said walking in he same direction as him.

"I am no-ones bitch."

"You tell yourself that Gotham boy." She ruffled his hair before jumping on a builsingnwhere she had left her regular clothes.

Kiana made her way to the elevator seeing Dick Grayson make his way down to the elevator. She rolled her eyes pressing it for a hold.

"Thanks." He said looking down. "Can you do me a favour?"

"What is it, Dick?" She putting her hair up.

"My car isn't exactly functioning properly. I was thinking-"

"Yes Dick I'll drive you to work." Dick Grayson was a police officer and Kiana was a doctor at the main hospital. The two were relatively close to each other.

"Thanks." The two stood in an awkward silence. The elevator pinged indicating it was their floor. She made her way for her door as she saw Dick do he same but fumbling.

"Why are you bleeding anyway?" She said looking at his bruising lip and busted nose.

"Bar fight." He said immediately. She rolled her eyes taking a deep breath, not knowing if she was going to regret this.

"Come on." She said opening her door fully.

"I'll be fine." He said shaking his head.

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