Chapter Two

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** If we have the ability to learn about the future before it arrive, we will do the possible best to stop any harm that will come to us.We are human and ignorant of what is yet to come,That is how we are and that is how it was meant to be.

from the hadeeth of Thawbaan, the Prophet SAWS said:
"Nothing repels Al-Qadr (Divine preordainment) except the
supplication. And nothing increases one in age, except piety.
And indeed, the individual will be forbidden (his) provision due
to a sin that befalls him."**


I am through with my primary school "I don't want to attend a day school anymore,i want a boarding school,i am tired of this environment i want to go somewhere a bit far from home so when i come back for holiday i will be treated special,I will be treated like a queen just like my sis,She is in Federal Government Girls College,Bida and each time she comes back home for holiday everyone in our home misses her and the way she is being treated is so good that i often wish it was me.I can't call this envy but i admire it.

I want to be treated thesame way,special too and like a queen because they miss me.I will talk to my parent about going to boarding school" and these were my thoughts.

The following day i was with my mum in the sitting room watching her favourite program,i so wish this program will end soon so i can tell her about my plan, good time i noticed she was in a good mood probably due to the program that just ended.

"Mum, can i talk to you about something important?"

"Yes dear, what is it?"

That is the one thing I love about my mum, she always give me listening ears not to me alone but to anyone who will seek her attention among my siblings, we are four in numbers two female and two male.I am the second child of my family.

"I was thinking since am through with my primary school will you allow me go to boarding school?"

I have this way of talking to her when have made my decision but literally asking for her permission.

" Fari,i don't like that idea of you going to boarding school, there are many schools in minna with good standard,we can enroll you in anyone of your choice."

Mum calls me with "Fari" and so does everybody at home.

"Mummy,i really want to go to boarding school"

"Why do you want to go to boarding school?" She asked.

"I like it and just to change environment." I answered.

"You are going nowhere, you are staying here to study" said mum.

I really don't like where this conversation is heading to and so i kept mute but not that am giving up...if she is already talking like this,it only means it will be hard to convince her, the only option now is to talk to my daddy about what i want and i know he will support me,if he does she can't do anything about it but i won't like her to be against it,i will still try to convince her about this.

For the past two days now i have been looking for the opportunity to talk to my dad about it, not that he is not available but because i want to tell him when my mum is not close,,,only when he is alone so that she won't be there to convince him not to allow me go.

The opportunity finally arrived,,he came back from work early and i was the only one at home,,,,I welcomed him and collected his bag ,took it to his sitting room and he followed going straight to the dinning table where his food was kept,I got myself busy with the newspaper i found on the couch,i was not reading it but only pretending too, I was waiting for him to finish so I can talk to him,I notice he has finish eating,I know this is the right time to talk to him, I went to him and sat next to him without saying a word, he noticed me as that was my usual habit when i want to demand or request from him.

"What is it?" He asked.

" School is almost resuming and i want to ask if you can enroll me into a boarding school".

"Do you want to go to a boarding School?" He asked

"Yes" i replied.

"Which school do you have in mind?"

"I have not thought about that but any school will be ok or FGGC bida"

"OK, I heard there will be interview for federal schools next week so get prepared and study hard, if you are able to pass their examination you will gain admission,it is going to take place in Federal Government College,Minna."

"OK Sir, thank You."

I stood up and left,my happiness knew no bound, i just need to study hard.

My dad works in Ministry of Education so am not surprise how he got to know about the interview.

"Fari said she want to be enrolled in a boarding school, hope she told you about it" my dad was asking my mum.

"Yes,she did told me about it but Alhaji i don't want Fari to go to boarding house" replied my mum.


" Alhaji you know how this girl is,she hardly stays a good three months without getting sick, if she go who will take care of her?"


I hope the novel is thrilling, this is my first novel, if you notice any mistake inbox me for corrections. I will appreciate.

Parent Sacrifice.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя