Chapter 13

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Chloe's POV

I grabbed a pice of paper and started writing

Dear family,

If you want me gone ill leave you for good. Don't come looking for me when you here what I did. I'm sorry but I can't take it anymore. I JUST CANT. I'm sorry it had to end this way. Bye

From, Chloe

Dear Paige,

Thank you for be the best friend I could ever have. I sorry but I'm done with everything. I can't handle everything. I didn't want it to end like this but I'm
sorry. Thank you for being there when nobody else was. I love you Paige but it's time for me to go. Goodbye I love you and I'll miss.

Love, Chloe

I ran down stairs and left the note for my family on the counter. After that I put on my vans grabbed my phone and ran to Paige's house. After 5 minutes of running I made it to Paige's house. I stopped and looked at the door. I put the note right on in between the crack of the door. I shut my eyes for a while then opened them.

This is it. I said said to my self

I started to walk where the bridge was. If everyone wants me gone i'll go. Just don't cry when i'm gone. I walked to the school and looked up at it. I'm not going to miss this school. It was full of jerks and fake people. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. It was 2:25 that means school gets out in 5 minutes.

I started to walk way from the school and down to the bridge like I was supposed to. I myself didn't think this was how I was going to end my life. However it is. I'll be alive and people won't care, but when I'm dead they will care. I looked at my wrist while walking thinking about all the times I cut cause of getting bullied or being hit.

After 10 minutes of walking I finally made it. This is it. I'm going to end my life. I made my way to the edge of the bridge. I looked down from where I was standing.

This is going to be a long jump.

I took off my shoes and socks. I took out my phone and put it next to me. Nobody was crossing the bridge cause people was construction signs, and people can't cross till like 5:00 so I'm good. I put both my legs over the bridge and looked down.

This is how I'm going to end my life.

Chloe stop! Someone's yelled


Short I know I'm sorry I'll update later or in 5 minutes

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