Chapter 7

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After what seemed like an hour I got up and brushed the dirt from my jeans and headed towards the house. Ethan was sitting outside smoking a cigar and talking to someone on the phone.

As soon as he saw me, he ended the call and looked up at me, a slight smile on his lips, 'Feeling better?' he asked

I ignored him and went straight inside the house. 'Lily you can't ignore me forever' he said behind me and I still didn't reply.

I wandered around the house, might as well find something to do since I was stuck here. What the hell could one man do with a house this big? It's ridiculous. I passed by a gym, a TV lounge, and noticed this place had another passageway that led to an indoor pool. Why on earth would anyone need an indoor pool when he has the entire ocean sitting right in front of him?

None of these rooms spiked my interest until I stood in front of two large wooden oak doors. I pushed them open and stepped into a huge library completely filled with books of all kinds, from newly published novels to old editions worth thousands of dollars, all of them present in a single room.

One thing I noticed about this house was that no room was without large windows and neither was this one. A large desk with a large comfy looking leather chair was placed in the center of the room. I decided to browse through the shelves to find something to read. I settled down in the chair with the latest Dan Brown book and began to read.

I soon lost myself in the pages and nearly dozed off when I saw a figure approach. 'So you found my library?' Ethan asked

I closed the book and stood up, 'Sorry. I'll just go'

'No it's okay. I wanted to show you this room anyway but you weren't talking to me'

I stood completely still with my arms at my sides, 'You can come here whenever you want. Seems like you're going to be here a while' he continued

'Excuse me?' I asked

'Well now that you've seen for yourself how Byron reacted at you being here, I can't let you go just yet' he said, a sly smile spread across his face.

'Fuck you' I spat

'Sure. I don't mind. When and where?' he replied and I just got more infuriated.

'I don't believe you. What are you?' I asked balling my hands into fists.

'Pardon?' he looked confused

'One minute you're this complete asshole who I just wish would drown and the next minute you're all nice and sweet and then you become an asshole again. It's exhausting' I said, falling back into the chair.

'A lot of things you don't know about me. That's all' he said, his hands in his pockets

'Gosh I wonder how anyone manages to live with you and your moods'

'Well sweetheart, I guess you're about to find out soon. In the meantime, make yourself at home'


'I don't know. You're smart, think of something. I'll get someone to stack up a closet for you by tomorrow morning' he said as he picked up a small diary from a drawer in the desk and left

'Thanks' I called behind him but he didn't reply

I went back to my reading but I couldn't concentrate anymore. What did he even mean? What's so secretive about him?

My curiosity got the best of me and I got up and wandered around trying to find where he may be. I passed the kitchen and saw Mrs. Collins humming to herself while cooking. The entire kitchen smelled incredible.

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