Chapter 15

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Living with Ethan, I found it unwise to ponder over the negative aspects of our situation. As much as I'd love to believe that he'd always be here, a part of my brain kept reminding me we were always in danger. If it wasn't Byron, it would be something else and we would never be actually safe.

It was best to just enjoy the little moments I had with him, the few little laughs we shared, just gathering memories, who knows how long we would be here.

'What the hell is going on in......oomph' Ethan got cut off as he entered the kitchen and was welcomed by a fistful of flour in his face.

'I uhh....sorry honey.... That wasn't meant for you' I said in an innocent voice, 'And anyway, it was his fault' I pointed to Harvey, who hid his flour covered hands behind his back

'Uhhh sorry boss....its just that....' he began to explain

'Save it. It's alright. Now mind telling me what's going on here?' he asked and folded his arms across his chest.

'We were well....we were trying to bake a cake. And we sort of got carried away. Sorry about that' I explained

'Its fine. Harvey get a maid to clean this up while I go take a shower' he said and exited the kitchen.

'I better go see if he's not mad' I suggested

'Mm hmm I know what you're gonna do to make him happy' he winked at me

'You're a pervert, you know that?' I said as I ran out of the kitchen and towards Ethan's room.

'Hey, I'm really sorry about everything. You just came in at the wrong moment' I tried to apologise yet it didn't sound like one once I heard it. It seemed better in my head.

'Lily, it's okay. Why don't you wait here for like five minutes while I take a shower and then we think about going somewhere?' He spoke calmly

The aspect of leaving this island instantly perked me up, 'Okay, sure'

I wandered around his room as I heard the sound of water flowing inside the bathroom.

'Damn it. Lily?' He called from the bathroom


'I forgot the towel outside. It's on the bed. Mind giving it to me?'

I picked up the white, fluffy towel that lay neatly folded on the bed and knocked on the bathroom door.

'It's open' he spoke from inside.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. I stepped inside a huge stark white bathroom with marble fittings and a gray tiled floor. Ethan was hidden behind a frosted glass screen so I was almost able to make out his form.

'Where should I put this?' I asked

'Just put it on the shelf next to the shower' he said and I placed the towel on a shelf made of dark wood.

In that spilt second, the door to the shower flew open and a hand pulled me inside the steam of water.

I squealed as the water hit my back and in an instant his lips were on mine. I placed my hands on his muscular chest and pushed him away, and ran out of there as fast as I could.

I heard him laugh from the inside whilst I saw my reflection in the mirror. My hair was dripping wet and my sandy brown shirt clung to my skin. I tried to dry myself off using the hairdryer which was placed in a rack next to the mirror but to no avail.

And in order to get a towel, I would have to go to his room, ruining his obviously expensive carpet.

He stepped out of the shower with the towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping from his delectable body.

'Like what you see?' he smirked

'Hardly. I'd give it a six out of ten at best' I said, trying to sound nonchalant

'Well the view from here is exquisite' he said and I remembered I was still dripping wet.

'Here' he handed me one of his t-shirts.

'Turn around' I said


I frowned at him and threw his shirt back at him. 'I'm fine like this' I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

'Works for me. Would you mind drying my hair?' he asked

'I can't even reach up to your hair, how am I supposed to dry it?'

He pulled out a stool which was expertly hidden underneath the sink and sat down on it obediently. I turned on the dryer and ran my fingers through his hair in order to get some air through it.

'That feels so good' he said and closed his eyes. He looked so serene and peaceful, not a trace of worry on his face, just pure bliss. I could look at him like this forever.

'All done' I said and placed the hairdryer back in its place. He pulled me onto his lap, 'Thank you'

'Anytime' I smiled at him

'Hey, umm do you want to I don't know....I was thinking we could go to Italy next week, just you and me, and well my security team of course but still'

'Are you serious?' I said wide eyed


'Oh my gosh, yes! I would love to go with you' I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

Hey everyone! So sorry about the delay in updating. Its been really long I know and you have every right to hate me. But oh do you like the story so far? I think its okay.....what do you think the end is for Ethan and Lily?
Lemme know in the comments :)

Oh and I was thinking of writing an Enrique Iglesias fan fic....I don't know if most of you are into that....but if you are let me know. I'll start writing once you guys give the green signal :)

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