Chapter 4

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Gabriella's POV

"He was looking at you when you kissed Leo on the cheek" Layla said to me as we watched the guys play FIFA on the play station.

"I thought he was. I wonder why" I guess there's no point in pretending I didn't know who she was talking about. She's my best friend, she knows all.

"Oh I know why" I turned around and saw marc eating a burger.

"Okay first where did you get that burger and second why we're you listening to our conversation?" I asked more serious about the burger than him listening to our girl talk.

"In the fridge and because I love all the gossip you girls are always on about." He said casually. You know sometimes I wonder if ever listens to himself speak.

"Well you guys can discuss why he was looking at me while I go look for another burger" I walked off towards the kitchen and stumbled across a little make out session between Cristiano and Irina.

"Eww guys not in the house" I faked a disgusted look on my face.

"Sorry but she's just to tempting" Cristiano replied making both me and Irina laugh.

"Alright but from now on keep your tongues to yourselves" I said.

(OMG you guys have no idea how long it took me to spell tongues. Like what the hell anyways back to the story)

They walked of into the living room laughing and I just sighed.

"Why don't guys look at me like that" I asked myself holding a large burger in my hand. "Oh that's why" I said taking a bite.

"Yeah and besides I wouldn't want anyone looking at you like that" I turned around and was Gerard with Marc behind him nodding in agreement.

"Yeah no one is allowed to look at my precious Gabriella like that" Marc added.

"Yeah I second that" Leo yelled from the living room. And slowly all the boys were murmuring in agreement.

"And Layla too" Dani said making Layla groan. Once again all the guys murmured in agreement. The Real Madrid guys didn't know Layla as well as they knew me but because I visited a few times with Layla they consider her as family.

"URGGG!" Layla and I groaned making everyone else laugh.

"Okay well I'm exhausted so I think I'm going to go to bed". I said making my way upstairs with the burger still I'm my hand.

"I'll come with" Layla said. "It's obvious these guys aren't quite done with their game so I'm not going home anytime soon so I'll just bunk here with you."


Preparing for bed

Gabriella's POV

Me and Layla were getting ready for bed when we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said fluffing up my pillow.

"Hey we're all off to the bar for a couple of drinks so you have the house to yourselves so don't break anything and don't wait up" Gerard's said and he left before we could say anything.

"He's always doing that" I said and Layla just laughed.

"Oh well, we have the house to ourselves." She said with a mischievous grin on her face and I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"GIRLS NIGHT IN!" We both yelled.


Girls night in

Gabriella's POV

We were sitting in the living room with all our makeup splurged over the table. I had done Layla's makeup and she did mine. We were skyping Rafaella.

"We miss you so much rafa" I said to her as I was painting Layla's nails.

"Yeah can't wait to see you in a couple of days" Layla added.

"Yeeaaaaaaaah... Don't tell Neymar but I'm not coming in a couple of days." She said and me and Layla looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean? Aren't you coming?" I asked. She has to come I think I'll die if she doesn't.

"No I am just it's not going to take a couple days I'm actually coming tonight." She said. Now I'm really confused.

"Wait are you on the plane right now?" Layla asked.

"Uh-huh that's why I skyped you. I want you guys to pick me up" she said excitedly. Layla and I screamed.

"OMG when are you landing?" We asked.

"In about 5 minutes. I can't believe you guys couldn't tell I was on a plane." She said.

"Well in our defence we are kind of busy on each others nails" I said defensively.

"Yeah yeah what ever" well I have to go because my battery is about to die and I have to turn off all my electrical devices so see you soon" she blew a kiss you the camera and ended the call.

"OMG we have to go collect her now" Layla said.

"No she said she's about to land so she won't have passed all the security for like an hour and the airport isn't too far from here so we can leave in like 45 minutes" I said so we got all ready to leave and I left a not on the kitchen counter top to say me and Layla had gone out to get some food.


At the airport

Gabriella's POV

we were getting weird looks from a lot of people because we had our makeup fully done and stuff because of our girly night in but we didn't care.

We were waiting for Rafaella and we had to wait about 10 minutes before she came out and we ran towards her.

"RAFA!" We yelled at the top of our voices. We literally jumped on her making us almost fall.

"Oh my gosh I missed you so much" I screamed hugging her again.

"And me too" Layla screamed doing the same thing.

"Aww guys don't you'll make me cry" she said laughing.

"Please don't because if you cry we'll cry and I just spent 25 minutes doing Layla's makeup" I said and we all laughed.

"Gab-gab, laya" we heard and i felt something tug at my boots.

"DAVI" we both yelled. I picked little Davi Lucca up and we both hugged him.

"You never told me you were bringing Davi." I said. Davi was Neymars kid and one of the cutest kids ever.

"Yeah sorry I couldn't risk telling you in case you might accidently tell Neymar" she explained.

"Okay well before we should go buuuuuuut first let's take a selfie. I've been dying to do this for the past 4 years" Layla said pulling her phone out of her pocket. We had someone take it for us. (pic on the side imagine it goes Layla, Rafaella and Gabriella)

"There we go perfect" she said after the photo was taken and put her phone back in her pocket.

"Let's go"


Okay that chapter was kind of suckish and short I'm sorry but I just wanted to put Rafaella in it quickly so I can then concentrate on neymar and don't worry there will be a neymar POV very soon.

Also the next couple of chapters will be quite short mainly because I have school coming up but I'll try to post a chapter everyday.

Don't forget to comment and vote 😊✌️


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