Chapter 8

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Gabriella's POV

I woke up in a bed I didn't recognise. No nevermind it's Neymars. Wait WTF AM I DOING IN NEYMARS BED? Oh right he probably saw me sleep on the sofa so he bought me up here. But why in his bed?

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and did all the stuff you do when you wake up.

I went down stairs and saw Davi sitting in a chair in the kitchen eating some toast.

"Bom dia Davi" I said making my way towards him. "Where's papai" I asked taking a bite out of some left over pizza.

"Training. Papai said that you have to take me to the you shop and get me at least 100 things and give me lots of money" he replied.

"Really? Did he really say that Davi?" I asked putting on a shocked face.

"Yes okay no" Davi laughed. Not able to lie.

"Well I think we both know the punishment for lying" I said sneezing my way towards him walking around the island. I quickly grabbed him off his chair and spun him around in my arms and threw him onto the sofa gently and started tickling him. This was like torture for a kid I swear.


At training

Neymar's POV

Gerard wasn't at training today because and I quote 'I think I'm coming down with something'. Yeah we all know he's cuming alright.

Anyways we were kicking the ball around while we were waiting for coach to turn up. He's always late. Then the boys started coming up to me.

"So we heard Gabriella's staying at your place" Marc started.

"Yeah she didn't really want to be around Gerard and Shakira for now so I said she can stay at mine until they dial it down." I said casually while doing a few kick ups.

"So when you gonna ask her out" Dani said making me kick the ball too hard and it just flew right up.

"HEADS" we yelled and it fell back down with xavi catching it.

"Well I think we all know what that means" marc laughed.

"Yeah it means I need to work on my kick ups" I said trying to change the subject. Why did that question bother me?

This morning I woke up super early and I decided to go for a run but I saw Gabriella asleep on the sofa so I took her to my room and put her on my bed. Don't ask why I didn't put her in her own bed I don't even know that.


At Neymar's house

Gabriella's POV

I had Layla come around because I was getting bored and she felt bad for mentioning my dad to me. I had to show her I'm not mad or upset anymore.

"So Davi is at a play date and we have the whole day to ourselves. What should we do" Layla asked.

"Wellllll before we do anything, we have to take a selfie because it's like law" I replied and I turned on my laptop and pulled up webcam toy.

We stood there for like 20 minutes taking different selfies and posing differently until we finally found one we liked.

"Whew" I sighed "that was time consuming" Layla nodded and posted the picture on Instagram. (Pic on the side. From left to right Layla, Gabriella)

"Okay so that's done now what?" I asked settling myself down on the sofa.

"How about we talk about the fact that you and Neymar have been sleeping and staying in the same house for like a week now. SPILL THE GOSS!" Layla yelled the last part making me jump and drop the remote control on my foot.

"Ow ow ow ow OW!" I yelled. Have you ever dropped a solid object right in the centre of your big toe? That shit hurts like a bitch.

I sat there holding my toe in my lap hugging it until it got better.

"So now that crazy weird thing that just happened has finished, you wanna answer my question?" Layla asked. Clearly she has never hurt her toe like this.

I thought about the question and wondered where to begin. She was my best friend so I couldn't tell her a lie so in the end I told her everything that happened last night.


Layla's POV

Oh my god.

That's all I can say. Oh my god.

Gabriella and Neymar almost fucked? That's crazy

"That's crazy" I told her.

"I know! What am I supposed to do Lay? I mean I can't believe I let it get that far! Do I like him again?" she was really confused bless her.

"Look all you need to ask yourself is, did you go to sleep thinking of him? I asked


"Did you wake up thinking of him?"


"When you got ready this morning to go out, did you base your look on what he'll think?"


"Well then honey you like him" she gasped not realising until this moment where all her answers were landing her. For a smart girl she ain't that smart.

"All I'm saying is that you like him not that you love him" I said reassuring her. "It's probably just a crush"

"Yeah your right. I'm just being a silly teenage girl" she said not completely sure of herself and honestly I don't think I believed her either.

"Okay how about you go on a date?" I suggested.

"What?" She said acting like I was crazy.

"You know go out with a guy, flirt, flaunt your boobs, the kind of stuff you do on a date" I said in a duh tone.

"Hmm maybe I should" she mumbled thinking to herself.


Okay so my chapters are going to be short from now on because I've started school but I will try to update as often as possible.

So Gabriella is going to go on a date. But with who?

How does Neymar feel about last night? Did it mean more than just a crush to him?

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