South America

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Human name: Alexander Armando Manzanares

Nickname: Armando (He prefers this), Alex, Alexander, Hermano

Country name: South America

Age: 15,000, Physically 23

Looks:  ((Ark knight people don't attack me or i will cry /hj))

Looks:  ((Ark knight people don't attack me or i will cry /hj))

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Armando is pretty quiet and observant, he's quite the loner and prefers to be away from other country's. Though he is hard working, he has a soft side like all the tough guy cliches do. He loves dogs and enjoys nature, he just wishes other people would notice him more and not pick on him, he just keeps up this defensive nature to make sure he doesn't get hurt physically or emotionally again.


He has a pug, it's an American thing but he really likes his dog.


As for him... it's personal.


A lot...He doesn't like to say he has any, and no one really enforces it so he doesn't care.

Crush: France or Spain

((Though I like everyone but America crush wise so, yeah depending on his relationships with the characters in rp, it can go wherever also the reason why I don't have a crush on America is cause im American lolololol yolo bro- LMFAO XD im done))

Likes: Being alone, working, work getting done, his dog, the quiet, yogurt, observing.

Dislikes: Pushy people, crowds, loud people, being confronted of how he acts, abuse, seeing families fight.

Enemy's: No anyone really.

Allie/Axis/None: None/Neutral

Others: He sometimes talks to himself alone due to he just feels like no ones listening or that the only person who will talk to him is himself, he stays away from everyone as much as possible. He's not scared of Russia or Germany, though he has an intense fear of heights, tough guys gotta have their weakness, the only time you will probably see him cry or panic is with heights, such as on a skyscraper. He gets really scared, then again he has the fear/phobia because of past events in his life.

Ex: He's a totally different person when drunk. He's a huge party animal and isn't afraid to do what he wants, though still he will never hurt a person or hit anyone unless they hit him first. He loves to blast loud music, preferably something in Spanish, though he doesn't mind American music. And he's not afraid to get dirty, if he likes you he will flirt, again he's under the influence of alcohol.

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