woman stuff

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It was a sunny Sunday morning and el woke up at around 8am.It was pretty strange for her because she usually wakes up at 10 or 11 o'clock but that day she had a weird feeling down her belly,like something inside her was beating her up for some reason.

She got up and went to use the bathroom.

As she stand she noticed something on her shorts

"What...?"she asked herself.

She ran to the bathroom and locked the door.She put down her pants and.....oh dear,she was bleeding!She felt her heart skip a beat.

"DADD!!"She yelled as much as she could.

No answer.

That can't be happening!Hop might had left for his morning shift earlier that morning.

"fuck"El whispered to herself.

She pulled up her pants and ran to the phone.She didn't know who to call.

"Hello Joyce???"

"El honey goodmorning how are you?"

El felt tears coming down her cheeks
"I'm dying please hurry and come to my house...it's an emergency!"

"What are you talking about what happened?!"Joyce answered worryingly

"I'm bleeding!!!!"

There was a couple seconds of quiet and then a laugh came from the other line of the phone.

"Ohh El sweetheart you are not dying!"joyce said while laughing.

El was confused

"I'm coming don't worry i'll be there in 15 minutes"she said and hung up.

El stand there puzzled to what Joyce meant and then went and sit down to the couch.

After about 20 minutes she heard a knock on the door,she got up and run to open the door.

"El honey hi"Joyce said with a warm smile

"Hi..."El said with trembling voice

"You got your period!"Joyce answered excited

"Period?"El forrowed her eyebrows

"Yes honey you are a woman now!"

El still didn't understand.

"These are for you!"she said and gave her a pack of pads and a pack of tampons

"These are pads..."she pointed at the box
"you put them on your underwear so the blood doesn't come out"then she pointed the box with the tampons
"these uhh...these do the same thing but it's just that you actually....stick them in and they absorb all the blood"

Wait did she actually said stick them in?!?Eww gross, El thought.

"Ehmm no thanks I prefer nothing be stuck in me"El said with wide eyes

"It's okey you can use the pads"and gave her the box.

El run to the bathroom and closed the door.Oh god her underwear was a complete mess.

"Joyce could you please go to my room and bring to me a pair af slips?"El said blushing

"Sure honey...where is it oh there it is.....here you are"she opened the door slightly to give her the slips

"Thanks"she said changing quickly and then put on the pad,she was quite sure she didn't do it right though.

She got out and went to find joyce who was at her room changing the sheets of her bed.

"There were blood all over your bed so I changed it"she said while smiling

"Uhmm thanks...so Joyce what exactly is period??"

"It's women stuff,boys doesn't have period"


Joyce choked a little
"Dear we are gonna talk about this another time..."

"Oh okey"El said but she knew what she was going to do


When Joyce finally left after one hour El called Mike.

"Mike i want to meet"

"Sure thing El,just tell me when and where"

"In ten minutes at the park"

"Okey love see you there"he said and then El hung up

She wore a reddish dress and her white convers and then went out the house closing the door behind her and then hope on the bike Mike had given to her.When she arrived Mike already was waiting for her.

"Hey El"he said giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Hi mike"she said blushing a little

"So what's up?"he said while they both sat down on a bench

"Mike I'm a woman"El said with a proud look on her face

"Well yeah i knew that"he said and laughed

"How did you know???"

Mike stared at her with a confused look
"What do you mean how did i know you're a woman?"he said confused

"I mean how you knew that i started my period"

Mike widen his eyes and almost choke on his own spit
"You what?"

"I started my period I'm a woman Joyce told me"El said smiling again

Mike smiled and couldn't believe what he just heard
"Wow that's amazing El,how are you feeling??"he asked with a concerned look

"My belly hurts but it doesn't really matter"

"Well I'm happy for you"

"So mike..."she started
"What that means?"

"What?!"Mike now choked

"What that means....that I'm bleeding and you are not"

"Uhm.... I dont believe I'm the right one to tell you..."he said scratching the back of his neck

"No!I want you to tell me"

Mike sighed
"You see that means that you can now have babies...and you know boys can't birth a child"

"I don't understand"El continued to look at him with a confused look

"El...when i told you about that word "fuck"....with that a woman can get pregnant from the man and have kids,but that only happens if you have started your period.That's why little girls can't have kids"

"Oh I see...So now I can have kids...?"El beamed

Mike swallowed
"Yes you can but that not means now at our age....girls now mustn't get pregnant"

"Why they might want to be mommies"she said while smiling

"Maybe but they are too young and they have to wait until they're at least 18 or older"he answered looking down

"Hmmm so you mustn't be a daddy too"

"Uhmm yes..."Mike said looking away awkwardly

"Okey I can wait" she said and gave him a kiss.Mike blushed and kissed her back

"Come on let's go get some ice-cream!"he said and El nodded happily

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