Haven Chapter 3 Blue

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Chapter 3

Lily and Henry were older students, in their late twenties, and if it were not for Lily's teaching internship coming up right around the corner next spring semester, her last semester, she might have been at the point of giving up on her work. This living situation had to change. Her best friend, Diane, had not recently returned Lily's calls or texts. They were supposed to share a place that last semester coming up in January. But Diane had mysteriously stopped communicating with her when Lily refused to take her unsolicited relationship advice. Although Diane had agreed to replace Henry as a roommate, she embedded herself into their problems, only to abruptly switch sides and become Henry's confidant. Lily was tired of trying to figure people out around her. Tired of work. Tired of school. Tired of being abandoned, first by Henry, then Diane.

And just like that, Lily gripped the walls and climbed out of the abyss of self-pity. She needed a clear head. With faith, she believed she would untangle this mess. Usually things unfolded the way they should.

Lily would figure out how to maintain her own safety and security without reliance on other people. And she thought she could tough out a few more weeks of the cold with a DeWalt charger for the heated blanket in the back of the Pilot. It could be charged throughout the day and seemed safe.

And now, Henry wanted Lily to take their dog as he was moving and could not keep him. Their dog Blue, whom she still got to see and would love to keep if it were not for the fact that she would have had to keep the poor thing in her car all day. Another sequential loss. Maybe a friend could take him. They had not had him long, but she loved little Blue and would like to see him with someone she knew and trusted.

Lily refused to tell Henry where she was staying but would help find a home for the dog. She smiled to herself as she thought of her dream. Daegan's class. She could ask him privately if she could mention to the class as a whole that she needed a home for her little Maltese poodle dog, Blue.

Daegan always looked casual but sophisticated. His tie was usually undone or loose when he bothered to wear one. He sat in his office, his blazer tossed absentmindedly over the back of his desk chair. Reading glasses poised at the end of his nose and his unkempt blonde hair fell into his eyes to the point where it looked like it would be annoying.

Every time she saw Daegan, he was simply more striking than the last. The grey streaks in his hair almost looked like highlights in his deep blonde hair. The lines on his face conveyed wisdom. She never remembered each of these features until she saw him again.

Lily's heart began to race as she stood outside his office door. Of course, there were other professors she could have asked. Why waste the chance? She took a deep breath and knocked on his office door.

Daegan slowly glanced up from his reading, making little effort to break his concentration. He stared at her over his glasses.
"Lily, Dear, come in, " he said with that subtle accent. He sat up a little straighter and motioned to the empty chair by his desk.
"What can I do for you?" he asked with a calming smile.

TBC... Every time I reread a chapter I want to change 25 things. Typos happen. Thanks for reading ;)
Will update soon.

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