The new boy

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"Fucking creep..." Kaito said, Punching me in the stomach.

I couldn't help but to grin. Oh how I wanted to kill him. I wanted to watch him scream in agony as I did unspeakable things to him.

I watched him walk away, Rantaro and Gonta snickering at his sides. 

As I gathered my books from the floor, I heard a childish, angelic voice ring out. "A-are you o-okay?"

Looking up, I saw a gorgeous boy with wavy purple hair. His skin was a pale color, like a porcelain doll's. He looked so pure... oh how I wanted to see despair fill his lavender eyes-

"I'm fine." I said bluntly, getting up and walking away from the shorter boy. 

Walking into homeroom, I sat down at my desk. As I watched Danganronpa season 52, my mind  kept wandering off to the boy I saw earlier. I felt my blood boil. He was distracting me from my passion. 

My hands started shaking and my breath sped up. I slammed my phone down in disgust. What did that bitch do to me?!

.   .    .

"C-can I s-sit next to y-you?" The purple haired kid said, gripping a sketch book in his small arms. 

I shrugged, putting a piece of sushi in my mouth. 

I felt his small body brush up against mine, shivers running down my spine. I noticed he wasn't eating anything. Then my eyes met his sketchbook.

I noticed he was drawing a familiar character I knew...

"NAGITO KOMAEDA?! YOU LIKE DANGANRONPA TO?!" I almost shouted, excitement rushing through me. I felt a hard blush on my face.

He blushed, defensively covering his sketchbook. "Y-yes.. I'm afraid that i'll g-get b-bullied for it.." 

I saw tears start to form at the corners of his eyes. It delighted me to see such despair in his eyes, but  I also wanted to hug him and cradle him in my arms..

"They won't bully you." I growled, anger in my eyes as my voice sank. 

I saw him whimper and flinch, like a scared animal. 

I continued eating as he stared at me. I felt him eventually relax and rest his head on my shoulder. 

.   .    .

After school, I ran into Kaede. 

"Hey piece of shit." She said in her monotone voice.

"Hey depressed bitch." I replied, matching her monotone. 

The only thing me and blondie have in common is our obsession with Danganronpa. Other then that, her crush on that slut Miu takes up most of her time.

"I saw your little plaything talking to Rantaro." She said causally. I felt my blood boil, and it must've shown.

"Tsk, you really are fucking obsessed." She said.

I blocked her out and peaked behind the lockers. Sure enough, the avocado cunt was talking to purple boy. 

I stalked for awhile, watching Rantaro casually flirt with my angel. My anger boiled over into rage, my body shaking. 

After a second, purple boy headed over to the nurses office. I stepped out of hiding, facing Rantaro.

"Oh. Its the creep." Rantaro said in a condescending tone. I wanted to rip his tongue out of mouth. 

"Don't fucking talk to like that, avocado looking bitch." I bit back. 

He's a monster... (Pregame Oumasai)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon