Chapter 10

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I storm down the halls toward Lexi's cell, muttering curses under my breath the whole way. I stop and my jaw drops the minute I see the General in her cell, though.

She's curled up in the back corner of her chamber, and the entire floor is covered in her blood. I quickly shut my mouth and walk in, determined to not care. But something tugs at my heart when I see how pale she is, her lips even turning into a ghastly shade of blue.

It's only been a couple hours, hasn't it? What has she done to herself?

I don't bother waking her for this. I just pick her up and carry her to Alice's for the second time. Hopefully, she won't wake and hurt herself more this time around.

Lexi stirs a little as I place her down on the bed, but never wakes. Alice quickly cleans her wounds and starts working on stitching them back together. She also manages to get in a small conversation.

"I heard what happened and I'm sorry that you had to do watch and listen to her do this. Especially because what happened to-"

"Don't. I know what you're trying to but I'd rather not talk about it right now. Please," I say, cutting Alice off. Alice pauses from her work to give me a puzzling look.

"You like her, don't you?"

I scoff. "Alice, please. This is war, not gossip hour."

Alice only nods at my remark and gets back to work on Lexi's self-endured wounds, only to notice she's waking. Lexi's eyes never open, but I watch as her nose turns bright pink, like she's about to cry. I glance up at Alice to watch her reaction, to see she has taken a step back to give Lexi space. We both know by now that she's unpredictable so it's best to be cautious around her.

"I'm sorry," The General chokes, breaking my thoughts. I wait, listening intently to see if she says more, but she becomes still almost immediately, falling back into her subconscious.

Alice and I let out a breath and she finishes up the few stitches she had left. Once she's completed everything, she triple checks all of her work before setting down her equipment and calling it good.

"That should be my work here done. Is there anything else I can do for you while you're here?" Alice asks politely, yet she's already cleaning up.

"No, you've done enough already Alice. Thank you," I say, picking Lexi up again and taking her back to her cell, still wondering who she was apologizing to.

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