Ch. 3 Going Shopping

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So, I just wanted the boys to take me to the little downtown plaza, but Harry and Niall both insisted that I go to the mall. They wanted to take me to Jack Wills. I had told them that I can't afford those kinds of clothes, but they both just snickered at me. I didn't know why they were snickering, but I could tell they were up to something.

"So, what's your dress size Kassi?" Harry asks.

I didn't want to answer him, because I was still shy over my size, even though I was a size three. I sat there in silence, as Harry waited for me to answer. Niall turned around, and looked me up and down. He was studying me very carefully.

"I'd say she's a size two or three. Might want to go with three though." He says.

I glared at him. I didn't want to tell them for a reason, but Niall's too smart for his own good.

"Listen, we're going to go into Jack Wills without you, but you can look around the mall. Find something you like. We'll probably be gone a while. Don't come check on us, and behave." Harry says, as we pull into the malls parking lot.

My mouth was hanging open when we pulled up. So the biggest mall that I have ever been to, well it was only two stories high. This one was looked to be four or five. I was in utter shock.

"Listen, we might have to cut the trip early if any fans find us. Take my phone and put your number ini. I'll call you if we get chased down. If we do though, it'll be when we're back in the rover. Good luck, and try not to get killed." Niall says.

I put my number in his phone, and we took off to the mall. I had to study the map for a really long time. They didn't have many "American" stores around here. The only one's I could really find were Hot Topic and Aeropastal. I ended up walked around a circle on the first floor, going into random shops. I didn't really care for anything here, but I still kept looking.

At some point during my journey, I had gotten a text. It read:

Hey, it's Niall. Going to the car. Good luck making your way back, and if you get lost, just text us.

I thought about replying, but I didn't. I slowly started making my way towards the car. When I finally made it, the boys were already in the car, and had huge smiled on their faces.

"What are you so smiley about?" I ask.

If their smiles could get any bigger, they would have.

"Oh, nothing. Just when we get back home, we are going to have a fashion show, and you're the model." Harry says.

That made me uncomfortable. A fashion show? What did he mean. I was sitting in the first row of seats in the rover, so I turned around and looked at the other seats. There sat, shopping bag upon shopping bag. They were all from Jack Wills.

"Guys, how can I ever pay you back?" I say.

I had tears in my eyes. I didn't want the boys to feel that I was using them. They really didn't have to do this all.

"You don't have to, Kassi. We just wanted to be good friends to you." Harry says, looking at me through the mirror.

"But guys, this is all too much. I didn't want any of this. I don't want you guys to feel like I'm going to use you. No, I'm not that way." I say.

"We figured that out, Kassi. You seem like a really good fan, and we could become really good friends, if you give us a try. Just try on some of the clothes, and we'll see what you like, and whatever you don't, we'll just take back." Niall says.

I smiled up at him. The boys really were amazing people. I was glad to call myself a Directioner. The rest of the ride was quiet, until we pulled up into Nando's. So many girls were standing around. They were waiting to see if the boys were going to come to Nando's for dinner. I shook my head at them. Sure, I was going to go eat here for them, but I didn't want to come too stalk the boys. Directioners really were obsessive.

So, that was a really crappy chapter. You now know that she is a good person though, and doesn't want to use the boys. : ] that' a good thing at least. : ] hope y'all liked the chapter, and I'm sorry it was so boring.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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