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word count: 1111
a/n;; episode 3 is basically "ya like jazz?"

He wrapped his arms around you, keeping you close. He rested his chin on your head, as Minnie told a joke you couldn't quite hear over the sound of your beating heart. You laughed nonetheless, not wanting to be rude. Your eyes skimmed over her. She was beautiful.
Vibrant, red hair paired with freckled, pale skin. Thin eyebrows, but full lips. Button nose and rosy cheeks. You envied her sometimes.
Not just her beauty, but her talent, her relationships. She had a healthy relationship with her girlfriend, and two healthy siblings. You had no siblings and a rocky relationship with Louis. You wanted to be blame it completely on him, but you knew you were to blame as well. No one ever made it official, no one said there were strings attached. You could've said something, but you simply didn't have the courage to. It ended up making you feel used.
But, that was fine because it was Louis, right? You'd kill for him. You'd die for him. Anything for him.

. . .

You pinched his cheeks as he groaned and swatted your hands away. You let your hands fall for a second to convince him that you were done teasing, and the moment he let his guard down you started all over again.
Eventually, he caught your hands, trapping them in his. He pulled you towards his torso, wrapping himself around you. Everytime you tried to break away, he tightened his grip. "What you gonna do about it, huh?" He teased. You opened your mouth to respond, but he beat you to it.
"Nothing! You can't! You're trapped," he said, placing a kiss on your scarlet cheek.
You stomped your feet in place, sulking. He placed a kiss on to your pouted lips. "Aww, my hewpwess wittle baby," he pouted right back at you.
That was the first time he had ever called you his.

. . .

You stood back with heavy bags over your shoulder. Behind the green leaves, you caught glimpses of your friends hacking away at the undead. Sophie and Minne stood back to back, chopping walker heads straight off bodies. Marlon threw a walker off of Louis, who was previously smashing his personalized weapon into, not one, but two walkers. Two birds with one stone, as they'd say. Meanwhile, you had killed no birds with an arsenal of a fully loaded gun.
A walker suddenly clung to you, and you screamed. You trashed, backing yourself into a tree to get it off your back. Once it fell off, you kicked in its soft skull. You were forced to fight off more and more, involuntary joining your friends despite your anxiety. The undead flooded all around you, it seemed like you guys were caught in a herd. Something, none of you had ever experienced. Rotten blood covered you from head to toe, after a while they slowed down, backing off almost. The herd was also clearing, you thought it was luck at the time, but really you all went incognito without even noticing.
You kicked the steel door open, collapsing against a wall as soon you stepped foot behind the safe walls. You buried your face in your hands, resting your arms on your pulled up knees. Suddenly, warm, rough hands pulled your hands away. The hands gripped your chin, titling it upwards somewhat harshly, almost desperate. It all happened so quickly that you didn't fully realize who pressed their lips on yours. And as fast as it started, it ended. Your shocked eyes met Louis's gentle stare. His eyebrows furrowed in concern, scanning you over before kissing you once more. This time, you let your eyelids flutter close.
He tasted like salty cinnamon rolls.

. . .

Clementine held your hand as she gently stirred you awake. Your skin was still a sickly pale, but at least now you could sit up slightly.
"We found him. We found Louis. Abel told us they were on a boat, and it leaves in two days, but.. we'll be leaving tomorrow night," She rushed out. You nodded, exhaling.
"We saw Minerva, too," Clem whispered. Your head spun, happiness flooded through you. "But, I don't think she's the same Minerva you remember." Instantly, your face fell. Of course, you didn't expect her to remain the same. No one was the same person they were from when it all started. But, it hurt all the same.
"Let me come with you.." You said, after clearing your throat. Your voice came out raspy. Clementine reached for a glass of water by your bedside table, handing it to you.
"No offense, but you're in no condition."
"I'll get better."
"Not in two days, you can't. Unless, you have some secret super power."
"I'm going, Clemetine."
"No-" she was cut off by your sharp glare.
"You have no right to tell me not to. I have to save Louis, and-and everyone else. They've done so much for me, I can't stand by idly."
"You should've thought of that before you isolated yourself for weeks, starving yourself. What were you thinking?"
"I was thinking of-" My Louis with you. Your dirty, lying lips on his. He was my everything. How could you? After everything I've done for you? How? "Nothing. I wasn't thinking at all, I guess."
Your small moment of silence was enough for her to figure out that you were still hung up on that one night.
"I'll-I'll bring him back. I promise. He wouldn't want you to go, not in this condition. Even if you weren't stuck in this bed, he'd still object to you going."
"Well, he's lost the privilege of even thinking about me. I can make my own decisions."
"He still cares about you-"
"You don't know that. God, Clem, he fucking kissed you!"
"Let me finish! Even if he doesn't feel for you like that anymore, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care."
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes, splotchy red occupied your face.
"Unless you can miraculously heal in 24 hours, you're not coming."
"I get it, fine. Where'd you even find the place? I've been everywhere."
"A dock. A 'wood street on the water' as AJ said."
"Everywhere, but there." You mentally high fived yourself. You got Clementine to tell you where the boat was. Now you could just leave, and not tell anyone.
"It's surrounded by raiders. I doubt we're getting in easy."
"Everyone, but you."
"I think it's best if you leave, Clem," you said looking down at your lap. "I-I need to rest."
"Right... Of course," she replied standing up.
Now, it was plotting time.

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