enjoy yourself.

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word count:: 753
a/n;; uhh i cant choose what to do so please leave ur vote in the comments !
enjoy yourself : stay for the party
just leave me for somebody else : sneak out

You silently stood, putting your weight on a bed post. It didn't hurt, but you did get dizzy. Enough to make you from a month ago give up. You had changed since then. Your cowardice became caution. Admittedly, extreme caution, but at least you weren't running away anymore. You were more determined than ever to save your friends.
You slipped on a random, dusty jacket from the back of your closet, and pulled on some high, rainbow socks. Water for laundry... was a luxury. What could you say?
You glanced at your worn boots, deciding to use tennis shoes instead.
Just as you were about to open the door, it swung open, revealing Ruby with a damp towel in her hand. She yelped and jumped back, you simply stared like you got caught doing something illegal. "Jesus! You can't scare me like that!"
You smiled, a genuine smile. A laugh crawled up your throat, escaping in giggles, then in a flurry. You struggled to breathe during, bending down to clutch onto your knees as if that would help. Ruby joined in as well, just not to your extent.
Ruby flicked a tear off her round cheek. "You shouldn't be outta bed," she scolded.
"I'm fine. I feel fine. See?" You jumped lightly, landing with jazz hands, giving her a cheeky smile.
"Mm. I guess.." She squinted at you, and you squinted right back.
In reality, you felt like throwing up. You had already moved too much.
"(Y/n). I'm throwing together a little somethin' for our friends.. before they go. I want them to have fun, let loose. Just for tonight."
"Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me."
"They're gonna do something real stupid. Well, I dunno if its really stupid, crazy, or smart. Maybe all three."
"What is it? Other than invading enemy territory?"
"Clem found someone who might be able to help. He calls himself a 'whisperer.' He lives with walkers. Willy told me that we could use 'em as a distraction."
"That dude is even more messed up than all of us combined, if it's true."
"I have faith. I- I just.... I'm scared."
"Yeah, I am, too. Everyone is." You patted Ruby's shoulder comfortingly.
"You're comin' to the party, right?" Ruby said after a moment.
"Yeah, yeah."
"You plan on goin' with us tomorrow?"
Ruby shook her head, "I guess, I can't stop you."
"It's my fight as much as it yours."
"Yeah, but... you've been out for a couple of days, y'know?"
"I feel fine. Really. I think I've even put on a couple of pounds."
"You must be real tired."
"All I've done is rest."
"Being in a coma and sleeping are different things."
"Maybe, I just slept for a couple of days. We don't know it was a coma."
"Maybe. You did wake up every once in a while for food and water."
"Yeah, see! I don't remember at all, but yeah!"
Ruby looked down, "Uh, you have shoes on? Why?"
"I wanted to go out.."
"If you really want to go with us, you need to rest as much as possible."
"I guess.."
"I'll come get you when the party starts, yeah?"
"Yeah, okay."
You let her lead you back to your bed. You took of your shoes, but kept on your socks despite Ruby's judging eyes.

. . .

He smiled at you like you were the sun. It made your heart ache.
He kissed you like you were a necessity. Like water, too much was deadly.
He held you like you were fragile. Maybe, you were.
He sang to you like a god, Apollo. You were blessed by his voice daily.
He looked at you like there was nothing ever more important. Everytime he looked at you, you gained ten years of life.

. . .

Ruby gently shook you awake. "It's time. You mind singin' for us?" She smiled.
You rubbed your eyes, glancing at the graveyard corner where your guitar lived.
"Not at all.." You yawned, picking up the guitar, tuning it. She was halfway out the door when she turned around as you hadn't moved an inch.
"You comin?"
You blinked slowly, "Yeah, just let me put on my shoes." Ruby nodded, gently closing the door behind herself.
Now, you had two options: follow through with your original plan and save everyone, or enjoy yourself.


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