Sorry... (and goodbye)

90 4 2

DAY 13

9:05 pm

happyvirusyeol61: Hi?

Seen by baekondhouse04

9:10 pm

happyvirusyeol61: Hi!

Seen by baekondhouse04

9:11 pm

happyvirusyeol61: :c

Seen by baekondhouse04

9:11 pm

happyvirusyeol61: I'm sorry?

Seen by baekondhouse04

9:12 pm

happyvirusyeol61: Okay, that's a statement

happyvirusyeol61: I'm already sorry okay?

baekondhouse04: Okay

Seen by baekondhouse04

9:13 pm

happyvirusyeol61: I'M REALLY SORRY!!!!

happyvirusyeol61: SORRY!!

happyvirusyeol61: SORRY!

baekondhouse04 sent 4 photos

9:14 pm

baekondhouse04: That's for Physics

happyvirusyeol61: eh?

baekondhouse04 sent 3 photos

9:15 pm

baekondhouse04: That's for Math

happyvirusyeol61: wait

baekondhouse04 sent 2 photos

9:16 pm

baekondhouse04: That's for English

happyvirusyeol61: I'm sorry

baekondhouse04: Don't talk to me until you finished copying those

baekondhouse04: Don't you ever cheat

baekondhouse04: Or you will not learn a thing

baekondhouse04: Or do you even need these?

baekondhouse04: You just want to have fun

happyvirusyeol61: I really am sorry

Seen by baekondhouse04

10:00 pm

baekondhouse04: I already told you it's okay

happyvirusyeol61: You just say that to end our argument

happyvirusyeol61: even if you don't really mean it

happyvirusyeol61: so stop lying

happyvirusyeol61: because it makes me guiltier

happyvirusyeol61: you're saying it's fine

happyvirusyeol61: but you're doing these things

happyvirusyeol61: your actions contradicts what you are saying

happyvirusyeol61: actions speak louder than words

baekondhouse04 has gone offline . 10:03 pm

happyvirusyeol61 is typing ( Thanks for the notes... )

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